Your activism and hard work matter to people all over the world. So please, go the extra mile for our wolves today. Submit your comments today to help save our wolves!

Help us reach our goal of generating 200,000
comments by May 9th! Forward this message on to other wildlife
supporters in your area.
Thousands of hands are holding you up in this fight...
“We may not be able to be there in person, but we are there in spirit! Never give up the good fight!” ~ Carrie from St. Louis, MO
“I have been doing all I can from across the country…getting
people to sign petitions, emailing, calling, etc. I wish I could be
there in person to help...” ~ Jessica from Karns City, PA
“I am proud of your fight, and I support it with every molecule
in my body. Fight on, and know that you represent MANY caring people
like myself.” ~ Joni from Shawnee, KS
Dear Kathy,
We’re in the thick of one of the biggest fights for our wolves in decades. The stakes are high, and wildlife activists from all around the country are counting on you to save our wolves in the Northern Rockies:
"We're all counting on you and so are the wolves. Please fight on! We're behind you all the way!" ~ Clay from Fishers, IN
it’s time to go on the record to stop the slaughter of hundreds of
wolves. Let federal officials know that you oppose their misguided
plan to eliminate vital protections for Northern Rockies wolves.
Thanks to activists like you, we're seeing great results on the ground -- supporters of common sense wolf management had a strong showing at public hearings in Pendleton and Spokane. And already, activists from across the country have generated nearly 100,000 commentsto the Fish & Wildlife Service about this misguided plan.
Now the Fish & Wildlife Service needs to hear from you. It’s
critically important that activists who live in the gray wolf’s
historic range in the west speak out as the federal government decides
the fate of our wolves. Please take action now!
all in favor of handing control over to the states when the wolf’s
future in the American West is secured. But Idaho and Wyoming
lawmakers have already announced plans to kill hundreds of wolves,
putting the gray wolf’s future at risk in the West.
In Idaho, the state’s official position -- passed by the legislature -- is that wolves should be removed “by whatever means necessary.” Governor “Butch” Otter wants to kill 80 percent of his state’s wolves -- and has gone so far as to say he wants to be one of the first to shoot a wolf himself. And as many as 2 out of 3 wolves in Wyoming could be shot on sight in some areas of the state.
is running out for our wolves -- help us reach our goal of generating
200,000 comments to the Fish & Wildlife Service before the May 9th
deadline! Make your voice count now!
If gray
wolves are to find a home in their historic range in Washington and
Oregon, adequate numbers need to be maintained in neighboring states.
Unfortunately, Idaho and Wyoming's plans could undermine the long-term
survival of the species, making a full recovery impossible.
Don’t let the federal government put our wolves back at risk. Please, go the extra mile for our wolves today. As someone who lives in a state where wolves belong, it is absolutely critical that federal officials hear what you have to say. And, remember, personalized comments are especially powerful.
from all over the world are counting on you to continue to be a voice
for our wolves on the frontlines of this important battle. Speak up and go on the record today to protect these special animals.
Amaroq Weiss Director, Western Species Conservation Defenders of Wildlife | P.S. We need as many people as possible to speak out against this misguided plan. After you take action, forward this message on to others who want to save our wolves.