My Dearest Friend Geketa,
I am so happy to see you featured!
You are right, if God did not allow us to make our mistakes, we would not be who we are now. Barb said in one of forums: We choose in our lives whether to become better or bitter. You chose to become better.
I treasure our talks very much, as you possess a great deal of love for God, love for people, you do care for all of us. Love for God does not mean talking about it only, but it means our deeds. Your help for our friends Mike and Shirley shows that you really love Him. This is just one example. Another example is that you are a member of our AdlandPro Prayer Cell.
I know how much you love your children. I know that it takes a lot of selflessness and strength to raise one child, and you have much more. In Russia and Ukraine women who have many children are awarded with a medal “Mother Hero”, and I think this is right.
You are a hero, you are a woman of courage!
I enjoy your brilliant sense of humor. You are a friend people can dream of :-)
I can’t imagine that a few months ago I did not know you, Carla, Pauline, Damaris, and my other precious friends. You became an important part of my life. Nothing happens accidentally. God is so good in bringing us together!
Thank you for being such a great friend!
God bless you,
The King of Fruit Is Coming
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