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How To Invite Friends At Adland
3/16/2007 1:56:04 AM

How To Invite Friends At Adland

There's a place to do that go to reports its near the top of the site

Report Services:
New Members - see who just joined our Community.
Most Friendly Members - browse the list of most friendly users.
Most Active Members - browse the list of most posts users.
Person Of The Week - browse the list of Person of The Week users.
Once you click on one of the links
Click on there profile
Click on invite Invite Me To be A Friend
near the top right side of there profile
You do need to include a message for every person
U invite
Thats It
Robert Phillips
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Re: How To Invite Friends At Adland
3/16/2007 4:38:04 AM
Thank you Robert! You are such a font of useful information I'm so glad your my friend here at adland. HUGSSSSSSSSSSSS
Chris Agostarola LunaWolf's Mystical Essence FREE TO JOIN!!! Watkins rep#380993 to join :
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Re: How To Invite Friends At Adland
3/16/2007 7:39:52 AM

Hi Robert,

Those all work for me.  It's great information, especially for a newbee at Adland.  Also, I opt to get a hit report from adland and everytime someone views my profile, I get them on the report and if they are not a friend already I invite them to be one.

You are great at sharing valuable information.  Kudos, My Friend!


Re: How To Invite Friends At Adland
3/16/2007 7:51:52 AM

Thank you for the information.  I am new here and any useful information is a great help.  Thanks again.



Thank You, Kelly Miller
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Re: How To Invite Friends At Adland
3/16/2007 7:57:31 AM

Hi Robert and everyone,
Here are 2 more links if you want to invite people who are currently active:

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