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* * Our Dream Team * * Your Dreams Can Come True!
3/16/2007 1:55:19 AM
 ~ Quick Update for my Cash Master Mind Team ~ 
I'm in the process of writing up several training emails that will explain the game plan in how you can have 20 new sign-ups in Cash Master Mind and how your referrals can do the same. I'll probably break it down into 3-4 training emails. I should have the emails done by Friday or Saturday so stay tuned!
This is a repeat of a post that I wrote in my Cash Master Mind forum. I'm repeating it in this forum because not all of my friends are members of all of my forums.
Hello again! I apologize for being so quiet the last few weeks. I really don't know where the time has gone, but I'm going to start doing regular updates and I also will be doing some new marketing campaigns to grow our team. Even though I've been quiet I've been working and  I have a game plan in place that will allow our Cash Master Mind team members to bring on 20 sign-ups in less than a month and their referrals will be able to do the same. 
But before I talk business I just want to give you a quick update on my thoughts about a couple of important events that have happened the last few weeks.
It's been one wild crazy ride, with my Colts and their Super Bow run (still can't believe that one) some other offline distractions and even a blizzard that hit my city last month that caused me to get stuck and feel like I was coming close to going numb. So now I'm wading through getting my Colts brain cells to start working again and trying to catch up bit by bit.
A few days ago I had way over 2000 emails to get through in just one of my Yahoo email accounts, I now have it under 1000, so I have been working hard. I'm working on wading through those bit by bit and I have some training emails to get out to my teams and some team updates to write as well. There are 2 projects I have been working on the last few weeks. I've also complied some training marketing methods that I'll be checking out and I'll be recommending the ones I like to my Cash Master Mind and My World Discount teams. So everyone will be hearing from me on a regular basis from here on out, starting in the next 2-6 days.
First I want to give you a couple of updates on a couple of things that have inspired me. Then I'll share an update on our income projects that I'm working on so that you can create some additional income streams.
Did any other ladies attend the live broadcast simulcast of Beth Moore on Saturday Feb. 24th? It was broadcast to over 500 church sites in the USA, Canada and Mexico and it was estimated that over 150,000 women attended at the different sites. Her teaching that she shared was based on her new book, "Get Out of that Pit". And the music through out the day was awesome, some of my favorite songs. It was an amazing, fruitful time. Very encouraging. I cried during the ending prayer that we prayed over each other.
If you are totally uninspired by sports you can skip the next few paragraphs and get to the money making ones. I'm still basking in the after glow of having my Colts win the Super Bowl. I've been a sports fan since I was a little girl and my Dad who was a high school counselor took me to the high school games. (I could still sing the school song for you) So he feeling of having my special team win the Super Bowl is really amazing. On top of that, having a coach like Coach Dungy who actually gave credit to the Lord is above and beyond anything I ever could have dreamed of as a long time sports fan. It's just one of those memories to last for a life time.
It means so much because the Indianapolis Colts have been my favorite foot ball team since the late 80's. I suffered through the losing seasons where we were literally the worse team in the league. After all that is how we got to draft Peyton Manning. I have to admit that after spending $300 last year to see up close and personal the playoffs loss to Pittsburgh, I had pretty much given up on the Super Bowl dream. There had been too many seasons were we shined so brightly during the regular seasons only to find a way to lose it in the playoffs. So I figured on well we'll never get to the Super Bowl and if we do, we'll find a way to lose it and break my heart all over again! LOL
Despite myself I got a little excited when we were the last team to lose our first game this season. But by the end of the regular season our defense was looking so badly I gave us no chance to get to the big game. I was in shock when we advanced and had a home game to try to get to the Super Bowl. I have to admit my Colts have taught me an inspirational lesson about never giving up. When they were down 21-3 to New England, it hurt so and I thought it was over. But Coach Dungy and the team didn't give up. They came back and won. How unlikely was it? Well it was only the biggest come back from any team in the AFC or NFC Championship games in the history of the game!
So then I had true sports bliss. Two weeks to go off the wall enjoying the fact that my team, yes my team was at the Super Bowl. Really unbelievable. But then the game started. In less than 20 seconds we were losing seven to nothing! First time in Super Bowl history that the opening play had resulted in a run back for a touch down. I have to admit that my faith wasn't real strong and I went into the kitchen to get some comfort Super Bowl food looking like I had lost my best friend and my dog! An interception by Peyton Manning in the very next possession certainly didn't help any!
But the team had already learned how to not give up in the face of difficulties. I took 2 things away from their Super Bowl win. One is that they were such a good example of team work and caring about each other. There was such a show of support, respect and caring between the team and the coaches and giving each other credit and support. That is something you don't always see in team sports. Peyton Manning shared how through all the disappointing years that they lost in the playoffs that Coach Dungy would always share a positive encouraging message for them to keep working the next season towards their Super Bowl goal. Truly this is an example for all of us to not give up on our dreams regardless to pass failures and present obstacles.
 But what about YOU???  Maybe your dream of making serious money working from home looks as impossible as being down 21-3 in the AFC Championship game against a team that has won several Super Bowls. Maybe you have so many set backs in your goal to make serious money working from home that you are as discouraged as I was when my Colts were losing 3 - 21 against New England. I want to tell you to not give up. I've been there. It took me several years to learn about what really works and now I can say in the last few years I have gotten hundreds of sign-ups and I have made thousands working from home. But I remember the years when it didn't look like I would ever achieve success. But I didn't give up. I figured just the fact that there were others who were successful meant that even though I was just an ordinary person, I could learn to do the same. So I made it my business to learn from those who were more successful than myself.
Today I would really like to encourage you to never give up. Because it took me years to really find out how to make real money working from home, now I really love to share ways to be successful in having real income streams that will pay you to work from home. Even if you haven't achieved the success that you have desired, don't give up. When you experience the victory of success it will be worth it.
So I'd like to invite you to not give up on your dreams. If my Colts can become Super Bowl Champions, trust me on this one, anything is possible! LOL But you have to keep the faith, not give up, get back up and keep trying. Success doesn't come easily, if it did everyone would be successful, it would be common place and it wouldn't be a treasured, priceless dream.
I have a lot of new Adland friends who may not have seen this. So for those who are interested in learning more about my personal back ground my Bio was featured in Adland when I was voted Adland person of the week last year. Just click on this link.
Here are some ideas to help you to make those dreams come true.
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Starting tomorrow I'll be working on typing a training email that will share with our Cash Master Mind team how you can get 20 sign-ups in less than a month and how your new referrals will be able to do the same. For those who implement this game plan, we are talking about having a major explosion on our team unlike anything you have ever seen. So this is the time for you to come on board if you are not yet a member of our team and then you'll receive this success game plan as well. 
First of all it's important to treat working from home like a serious real business, just like in the offline world. In the business world there are master mind groups to help people learn how to be successful by learning from those who have achieved the results that they want to achieve. This program was started with the same concept for those who want to achieve success working from home on the Internet. It's a place to come together and learn from and interact with each other. We have a created a very strong dream team that has grown very quickly several levels deep very quickly. We are very serious  and committed towards the goal of turning this  into a very good residual income stream. Request the free report and you'll be able to learn about the vision behind this project. You'll be redirected to the main website where you will see my testimony and the testimonies of two of my team members.
The program itself is worthwhile, but when you consider that you'll be joining our team, it makes it a priceless opportunity.
Here is the feedback from just a few of our very successful team. I'll be sharing with my Cash Master Mind team this week a game plan where anyone can use it to get 20 sign ups before the month of March is over. The best is yet to come!
Cash MasterMind is Perfect for anyone and being on a strong and supportive team makes it even better!
We sponsored 5 new members last month without much effort at all and we also have 6 members from spill-over thanks to our uplines.
What we like most is everyone gets paid, not just the marketing pros who can bring in people from anywhere. This make Cash Mastermind very inviting for someone just starting out and looking to make some extra income.
Cash MasterMind is the Best... Thanks!
Kris & Scott O'Brien
Buffalo, NY
I have a testimonial in the very early stages of my involvement with Cash MasterMind.
I signed up exactly 1 month ago today and I already have had 4 members added to my downline strictly from spillover! 
You are 100% correct when you say that this is a very active team of networkers.  The matrix is filling up quickly!
I am also following Felicia's "game plan" and my business is moving forward every day.
Adlanders...if you are thinking "should I?" "shouldn't I?"  Don't be left standing on the corner after the parade is a mile down the road!
Join us today...Join the fun...Join the excitement of an Adland team build!!
Have a pleasant day...your friend Steven
Just a quick note to say what a great system! I joined under you just over a week ago and have been paid already. I have one sign up and also now have 4 from the spillover!

Aka Soldier Blue

Hello Felicia and Fellow Team Mates,

I just wanted to say that since Felicia and I first started doing this together it has really taken off! We have some great people on our team and I love seeing it growing and growing constantly! This is not a hard business to do...spend just a few minutes a day advertising on different places all over the Web! You will see how great you will do. Following Felicia's game plan is also a great idea to get ahead!

I just wanted to let you all know that I have made money since starting here, and have not had to take any money out of my own pocket to pay the monthly fees. That is AWESOME!!

All of you keep up the great job that you are doing...I know that I am very proud of all of you!

Take care and Good Luck To Everyone,

God Bless,


Become a member of our team today and then keep any eye out for my training report that will share how you can get 20 sign-ups and make a profit at the same time.
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This Marketing System has paid me thousands. If you know how to market you can use it to create an very lucrative extra income stream for yourself. If you don't know how to market and get sign-ups every month then you need the product which has countless training and marketing ideas that will show you how to have traffic coming to your websites.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Please take a free tour today. The product is going to literally pay for itself and you'll lose money by not being a member.
The compensation plan is different from anything I've ever been a part of before. You can earn money 5 different ways. This is not a matrix program, everyone is placed in a leg. So we are all working together and building under every member to create one very strong healthy leg. This has to be on of the best legs in the entire company. The leaders have been placed and some of the top people in the program are building underneath us and they will be building underneath you as well. Every week our leg is growing and new members are placed under all the members who have joined already.
We would like to start working to place paid members under you as well. This is a team project. Everyone will have help in building their leg, no one is working alone.
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I've been very busy looking into a project that can pay you $500 or more. I'll be writing my Cash Master Mind team this week, to show them how we can use this to really create an explosion in our team.
A business friend of mine had a trusted associate let her know about several programs that will pay you very good money for just trying out products and services. So my friend decided to try it. For what amounted to about a day's worth of work she got paid $500 to her PayPal account!
This is something that ANYBODY CAN DO with very little start up costs.
If you live in the US all of these programs are available to you. Some are available in Canada, the UK and DE. Just check the websites and the terms. But this week I'll be showing my Cash Master team how they can benefit even if they live in another country where the program isn't available.
I'll receive your email address when you join these free programs. Then, I'll send you all the tips and advice that my sponsor gave me and I'll show you how you can easily sign-up for the offers without giving the programs your credit card number.
Guess what folks?!  I actually got paid $547 to my Paypal account  less than a week after I started this project! This is working just like my sponsor said it would! Of course I knew it would because my sponsor is a trusted associate who I have known for several years. There is no reason that you can't utilize these programs to make $500 or more and I'll show you how to utilize this to explode our
Cash Master Mind Team. This will work for you if you'll work the system. It's up to you!
Click here to join DVD         
There is no reason why all five of these programs can't pay you real money in the next few days or weeks! 
You really can make $500 or more from these programs. It really works! My sponsor and I have been paid. So get started today.
I'll be in touch again very soon. There are other projects I need to update you on. I also have other marketing training systems that I'll be evaluating and I'll pass on the ones I like to our teams. I hope to share a new marketing idea with our teams at least every 1-2 week, maybe even more often.
The future looks bright!
 ~ Super Bowl Champions!!! ~
Touch your highest vision & make it part of who you are in every moment.

I've enjoyed making money working from home for over 8 years. I have a real passion to show others how to do the same.

All members share in a revenue profit pool that is paid out several times a day! You don't have to sponsor to participate and earn. Get paid very well just for advertising your business. No daily sub commitment. Start with as little as a one time $2 ad. This site has a write up that explains what makes this income stream so unique. ~ ~

~ Register for free today. ===>>>

This income cash strategy paid me $500 the first week that I tried it. Since then it has paid me over and over again. Now it come with a free Marketing System. You can also access marketing resources and training to help you to build any business. You can be paid in 48 hours.~ ~ ~

Flag of Chris Agostarola

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Re: * * Our Dream Team * * Your Dreams Can Come True!
3/16/2007 4:40:54 AM
Felicia welcome back & thank you for the information.
Chris Agostarola LunaWolf's Mystical Essence FREE TO JOIN!!! Watkins rep#380993 to join :
Flag of Felicia Harris

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Re: * * Our Dream Team * * Your Dreams Can Come True!
3/16/2007 4:19:37 PM
Hello Chris. Thanks for your post and for taking the time to visit my forum. By the way you have a nice last name, unlike mine which is very boring/ordinary! :-)
Touch your highest vision & make it part of who you are in every moment.

I've enjoyed making money working from home for over 8 years. I have a real passion to show others how to do the same.

All members share in a revenue profit pool that is paid out several times a day! You don't have to sponsor to participate and earn. Get paid very well just for advertising your business. No daily sub commitment. Start with as little as a one time $2 ad. This site has a write up that explains what makes this income stream so unique. ~ ~

~ Register for free today. ===>>>

This income cash strategy paid me $500 the first week that I tried it. Since then it has paid me over and over again. Now it come with a free Marketing System. You can also access marketing resources and training to help you to build any business. You can be paid in 48 hours.~ ~ ~

Flag of Thomas Richmond

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Re: * * Our Dream Team * * Your Dreams Can Come True!
3/16/2007 10:16:22 PM

OMG Felicia your Back! Welcome back, i missed your posts, hope all is well my friend, have a great weekend! Cheers...  Your Adland Prayerwarrior...

AT YOUR SERVICE. Drop A Line With The Pros!! Chief Administrator & Support
Flag of Felicia Harris

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Re: * * Our Dream Team * * Your Dreams Can Come True!
3/16/2007 11:01:49 PM
Hi Thomas, what a sweet post. It's nice to be missed, and I appreciate it. Thanks! All is well, I'm just so swamped and behind in things that it isn't even funny. I feel like I haven't done much since around Feb. 2nd and so now it's called major catch up one inch at a time. Have a good weekend and thanks so much for visiting my forum and for taking the time to write your post. Nice to hear from you.
Touch your highest vision & make it part of who you are in every moment.

I've enjoyed making money working from home for over 8 years. I have a real passion to show others how to do the same.

All members share in a revenue profit pool that is paid out several times a day! You don't have to sponsor to participate and earn. Get paid very well just for advertising your business. No daily sub commitment. Start with as little as a one time $2 ad. This site has a write up that explains what makes this income stream so unique. ~ ~

~ Register for free today. ===>>>

This income cash strategy paid me $500 the first week that I tried it. Since then it has paid me over and over again. Now it come with a free Marketing System. You can also access marketing resources and training to help you to build any business. You can be paid in 48 hours.~ ~ ~


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