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Sharon Lee

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3/13/2007 2:00:33 PM

Lord, Take Control

Of the many articles, sermons, lectures and prayers, there would probably be no more common theme than the prayer, “Lord, take control.”

I personally have prayed in times of decision and indecision. The prayer has been prayed by me and many others during times of turmoil, frustration and confusion. The prayer has been prayed in hospital rooms, intensive care units, in business meetings, before, during and after surgery, in times of fear, and times of great confidence. The prayer has been prayed while standing next to a crib, while standing next to a hospital bed, and while standing next to a casket. Perhaps even by those standing side by side about to recite their wedding vows. I've even prayed it many times of late while sitting at this computer wondering if I will ever find gainful employment again.

Many times soon after praying the prayer, I have found a sense of peace and serenity that seemed to blanket me. I'd be amiss if I didn't also include those times that when the prayer was finished, I felt an uncomfortable fear. Some say you should never make a decision based on fear. Then there are those times when I just knew that God had taken control of whatever the situation was. What about the times when I reacted as human beings often do with the familiar question; "God, why didn't You take control?"

Oddly, there are also times when I seemed to feel nothing at all. Blank!

How can the same prayer bring so many different responses?

If I really look deeply enough I can see that the discrepancies have nothing at all to do with the prayer itself. Sooner or later I'll get around to asking myself the question; "what was my attitude while praying?" Did I pray believing God would hear me? Did I submit to Him rather than insist on my own way?

“Lord, take control!” That alone isn't quite enough is it? I must also pray, “I surrender my will to Yours, Father. I can't do this all by myself."

If I pray, “Lord, take control!” over and over as one begging, failing to submit to Him, I am only engaging in an exercise of futility. "Lord, take control!" can be uttered with all sincerity and still fail when surrender isn't a factor.
Submission to Him will bring His power into my life. Why is it that I sometimes want to tell God what to do instead of humbly, in submission, asking Him?

Once again, my questions are answered if I will only look for them in the right places. What better place than the way He as chosen to communicate with you and me? His Holy Word, the Bible reveals the solutions.
“Submit to God and be at peace with him; in this way prosperity will come to you” (Job 22:21, NIV).
“Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you” (James 4:7, NIV).

This whole idea of surrender is foreign to society's messages. Media floods me with phrases like; "you can have it all", or "have it your way" and "you deserve all that the world has to offer."

Thanks to Tom Norvell for inspiring these thoughts through his "Norvell Notes", Vol. 10 No. 11, March 12, 2007

Lord, take control. I surrender.



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Jo Matthias

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3/13/2007 2:28:59 PM
Hello Sharon,

Wonderful message, thank you for sharing.....

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Thomas Richmond

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3/13/2007 3:02:33 PM

Thank you for Sharing with us today of prayer, in my experiances prayers all ways come true, sooner or later they all do come true, some are quicker some are there for you to wait for only God knows why, because there there for your benifit as well. Each time i read the same scriptures and each time they have a new meaning but the same concept. Your walk with God has to be personal , we all have differant answeres for ones life from God and we should always let him work within us, not for anyone else, prechers and teachers like me are only there to help you see the big picture, the small everyday life we live is meaningless as soloman has pointed out, but it is essential to live in a righteous way for Jesus' sake. Faith and Prayer are just 2 of 4 essentials i live for each day. My Manna comes from above. The Bible tells me so. Hope you have a wonderful day my friend.  Your Adland Prayerwarrior

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Phillip Black

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3/13/2007 3:15:11 PM

Thank You Sharon and Mike for once again bringing us such an inspiring message.

Personally, regardless of what problem I am struggling with, once I surrender to God's will and place it under His control, the peace which comes over me is the most beautiful feeling in the world.  Regardless of the outcome, I know in my heart that everything will work out right.

Something you might enjoy

Thanks Once Again,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
3/13/2007 6:43:01 PM

Thanks so much for sharing this, Sharon - wouldn't it be so much easier if we didn't constantly struggle against Him?  I too have experienced all these varied feelings and responses to this prayer.  If only surrender were a one time thing!



PS - congratuations on your well deserved POTW!

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