Well, I think you know Luella, that I was diagnosed with all of those disorders as well as Insomnia and Dythemia. To make it quick I was a mess and on 5 medications a day. When I finally decided, there were things, that I had wanted to do all my life and had not done and I one day made a indecision, to get my life back in order. healing started to take place. There are so many people with Mental Health issues that just hide in their home and never go out for fear of a panic attack or whatever and the fact that many family members often do not want to help and getting help from professionals, is hard to find often, they see it as the only option to just hide away. Very Sad, but very true. Fortunately after taking myself off 4 of the medications, getting my peace with God back, making my websites. making my music and doing my Art, things improved fast. For many it is not that easy. I have to say that depression never goes away, however, we can learn, how to control it. Its not always an easy road when negativity gets thrown at you often by others, however, where there is a will, there is a way. That will do for now.>smiles>Keith.