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What is an Anxiety Disorder?
3/10/2007 10:49:32 PM

Hello everybody!

This is the beginning of our Panic/Anxiety/Agoraphobia/Depression Forum. As you can see by the above article, this is a very serious condition and may be quite involved. There are many different facets to anxiety. It is very possible for the person with this type of disorder to have several of these categories, not just one, thereby making it quite debilitating. It is obvious that every case is a unique case and will need its own special attention.

I am a Panic/Anxiety/Agoraphobia/Depression Survivor . . .

Welcome to a brand new experience at the TC4Women Forum

Too many people with this condition perceive themselves as different.  The truth is that there are millions of us out there.  If you are in any way affected by any type of anxiety or panic, I invite you to join us at  This includes family members and spouses, as you, too, are very involved.  With understanding, we can climb mountains.  A very dear friend of mine tells me that Knowledge is Power.

There will be quite a bit of everything.  We will learn, discuss, share, and be there for each other.  If you are a man suffering from this condition, you too are welcome.  

If you are not ready to share, I welcome you to visit and read.  There will be loads of information.

My friends, I will meet you at The Corner!



Luella May and John Elliott, aka Oaky Wood

Flag of Geketa Holman

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Re: What is an Anxiety Disorder?
3/10/2007 11:19:57 PM

Hi Luella,

I could write a book on these subjects as I personally suffered for many years with all of these disorders and am grateful  to say I finally over came them all without drugs, nor years of therapy. I tried the therapy and drugs first and none of them worked for me.. I am very happy you are addressing these very serious and debilitating mental health issues ..

I am also very thankful that the stigma  in society has been  lifted that  because you have a mental disorder it dose not mean your a crazy .

Thanks a million this is much needed !




Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one
Flag of Luella May

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Re: What is an Anxiety Disorder?
3/10/2007 11:54:22 PM

Bless your heart Geketa, how very wonderful that you overcame this on your own.  Not me, I did have years of therapy and medication and clawed my way to health.  Thank goodness, now I am on the other side.

The stigma has somewhat lifted.  There is more available medical help, although with the price of medication and medical care, it is getting more and more difficult.  Another subject for another day.

There are still people out there that do not understand and that will say hurtful things to the sufferer.  When I learned how to drive again.  I was deathly afraid to make a left turn at stop signs.  So what I did was turn right until I could make a left and go back.  This caused some to joke, "Luella doesn't make left turns, ha ha."  Do you believe they still joke like that?  What part don't they get?

Anyway, the medical community says it is a mental illness.  I wholeheartedly disagree.  I have been there, and I maintain it is an emotional illness.  I think that many would be helped more readily if they worked from this base.



Luella May and John Elliott, aka Oaky Wood

Re: What is an Anxiety Disorder?
3/11/2007 2:30:00 AM
Well, I think you know Luella, that I was diagnosed with all of those disorders as well as Insomnia and Dythemia. To make it quick I was a mess and on 5 medications a day. When I finally decided, there were things, that I had wanted to do all my life and had not done and I one day made a indecision, to get my life back in order. healing started to take place. There are so many people with Mental Health issues that just hide in their home and never go out for fear of a panic attack or whatever and the fact that many family members often do not want to help and getting help from professionals, is hard to find often, they see it as the only option to just hide away. Very Sad, but very true. Fortunately after taking myself off 4 of the medications, getting my peace with God back, making my websites. making my music and doing my Art, things improved fast. For many it is not that easy. I have to say that depression never goes away, however, we can learn, how to control it.
Its not always an easy road when negativity gets thrown at you often by others, however, where there is a will, there is a way. That will do for now.>smiles>Keith.

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Re: What is an Anxiety Disorder?
3/16/2007 11:13:41 PM

Bless your heart Keith, no I did not know that.  What exactly is Dythemia?  I have never heard of that.

It is so easy to say that it just takes a decision, and in fact that's all it takes.  However, we are so different and have gone through such different paths, that it is very difficult for some.  In my instance.  Since childhood I was taught that I had to be perfect.  The love I received depended on how perfect I was.  All I knew was conditional love.  Well, there you know how much love I got.  So I truly had no idea what real love was.  I was taught to repress my emotions.  It was engrained in me, I believe from when I was a baby.  So I had to learn that it is really all right to cry.  I had to go through a discovery process and then fix it.  I was literally starved for love.  I had a lot of work to do.  I did all I could to be perfect so that someone would love me, thereby always feeling inadequate and not worthy of love.

One day, I adopted a new philosphy.  This is who I am.  Love me for who and what I am, the good and the bad.  Love me or don't love me.  Like me or don't like me.  I frankly don't care.  Once I did that and appreciated myself for who I was, things started to change. 

Many have to get there.  And it is very scary getting there because you preceive risking all you have, when in truth you gain the whole world.

So many need to be educated that truly, love is the answer.  Love yourself and love others.  Both go hand in hand. 

In the end, for total healing, or the beginning of total healing, a question must be asked of oneself.  What do I want?  Life or Death?  Make a decision and go forward.

Kind regards,


Luella May and John Elliott, aka Oaky Wood


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