My Why is to have an established place on the internet for my multi-networks to touch basis with me if there is a need. I issue thousands of business cards inviting new acquaintances to join one of the networks and a contact page on my published site for my on-line partners to have 24/7 communication access.
One of my personal prides is the creation of Jaz Jets. This organization help new internet users explore on-line tools without money.
Hi Beth
Getting to know new friends from around the world am guessing is your why
and you get more time come back and make another post would be happy to
hear your new updated why
Robert Phillips
HI Pauline
Amen Is right there nothing more important then family friends and god
Robert PHillips
HI Michael
Planning and making goals for the future are very important
Jobs can be very time consuming and being your own boss frees time
up so you get to decide when and where you do your business
I wish you much success my friend