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Flag of Robert Phillips

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So What Is Your Why?
3/9/2007 3:24:51 AM

When we start mentoring someone, we focus
on helping people figure out their "WHY". Why
are they doing whatever business they're doing?

People always tell their goals.

That's fine. You need goals.

But the REAL truth is, WHY are YOU doing
this business?

There's a big, big, big reason, something that
will keep you going.

If your "WHY" is a 70% and you come up against an
obstacle that's a 72%, you're gone! You'll drop out,

But when your "WHY" is so huge that it can't be
overshadowed, THEN you're there to stay and be

When I first started coaching and people would write
down their "WHY", it was usually money. They want to
make so much money, or pay off a hospital bill, or
replace an old car. Whatever.

But your REAL "WHY" is never money. It's always about
who you really are.

Why are you on this planet? What is it you were meant to
do? In one form or another, you're here to change lives,
touch lives, help people.

It's NEVER about the money.

So What Is Your Why?

Robert Phillips

Flag of Robert Phillips

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Re: So What Is Your Why?
3/9/2007 3:25:57 AM

My Why is to help as many people as I  can to be successful make new friends and spend time with my friends and family


Robert Phillips

Flag of Beth Schmillen

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Re: So What Is Your Why?
3/9/2007 3:32:37 AM
Hi! I can honestly say I don't know my genuine why. I want to earn money, I love being online and all the folks you get to know from all over the world... Why? I'm going to have to ponder this for awhile to be more specific! thanks for giving me something to ponder! Beth
Flag of Pauline Raina

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Re: So What Is Your Why?
3/9/2007 3:33:36 AM
Hi Robert,
amen to ' its never about money' sure its not, enjoying your family and friends is the most important thing in life, for me it sure is !!!

Thank you for sharing, and making us stop and think a while :-)


Pauline R
Re: So What Is Your Why?
3/9/2007 4:01:13 AM


I am very honest to myself. I have to do online business as part of my early retirement plan.

I am holding a very challenging and interesting job as Senior Manager (Human Resource & Development) but then I am working for somebody. Time is controlling me and I don't have much time for church work & leisure time. I want to control my own time NOT being control by time.


Michael Kimin Guntili

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