Positive Thoughts for Today
A dream that I dream alone is but only
a dream. But a dream that we dream together
is reality. --Raul Seixas
First you fuel the desire, then the desire will fuel you.
--Napoleon Hill
Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for
everything that happens to you, knowing that every step
forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and
better than your current situation.--Brian Tracy
The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of
attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important
than facts.
It is more important than the past, than education,
than money, than circumstances, than failures,
than successes, than what other people say or do.
It is more important than appearance, giftedness,
or skill. It will make or break a company, a church,
a home, a family or friendship.
The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day
regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day.
We cannot change our past . We cannot change the
fact that people will act in a certain way. We
cannot change the inevitable.
The only think we can do is play on the one string
we have control over and that is our attitude.
I am convinced that life is 1% what happens to me
and 99% how I react to it.
--Author Unknown