Everyone listen up. If you want to do as much as you can to avoid Cancer, simply get your body ph in the range of 7.25 - 7.45. This is the normal ph for your body, and can be attained by eating foods that are more alkaline, and avoiding foods that are acidic. It has been proven that cancer cells can not live in an alkaline environment. A very well researched article that outlines very specific components of a nutritional program that will enable you to prepare your body for the very best chance to avoid or fight off cancer cells can be downloaded HERE.This is information that should be in everyone's library. It is very comprehensive and straight forward in outlining exactly what you can do to increase your chances of avoiding cancer completely, or if you have cnacer already, how to most effectively fight it. Don't automatically be a nay-sayer, this information could literally save your life. I feel obliged to get this information into the hands of as many people as possible. You are free to draw your own conclusions after reading it and doing further research from the referrence links in the article. Of course, nothing works without action, so don't just sit back and let something unnecessarily consume you. If you want to win a battle, you have to fight with the best tools. More often than not, INFORMATION is the best tool you can have on your side in any battle. Additional information and products to help you be the healthiest you can be, without the usual hype, can be found by CLICKING HERE .Here's To Your Health, Jonathan http://promoadz.com/ghs