Hello Robert,
We have 5 rooms with Hot Conference. We have a meet & Greet room that is open for people to stop in say HI & see how they work. It is amazing how many people are afraid of using them. We have the 'brave at heart' that stop in. I mostly hear "I have never used one, so I can't". Wow, that makes allot of sence to me. They have been great for people to stop in & walk them through sign up into programs, answer questions, & just putting a face with a name.
You are welcome to stop by & see the room, if you would like to see how they work. We are in there anytime we are on line. We have rooms through CMU7. The rooms are free to use for upgraded members ($7 a month). The upgrade also puts you into the matrix & use of the other tools.
If CMU7 is not open - it will be shortly we are doing an upgrade.
This down load is small & safe. This conference room has VOIP capabilities so plug in your microphone. If you don’t have a microphone you can type in messages.
If you have never used a conference room & have any questions please ask. These rooms are great; you can put a voice with a name. Here is your key