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Geketa Holman

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Discovery Channel Documentary slam Christianity !!
2/28/2007 10:31:47 PM
Please tell all the Believers you know about this !!
Subject: Discovery Channel documentary slams Christianity

Donald E. Wildmon
Founder and Chairman

February 27, 2007

Please help us get this information into the hands of as many people as possible by forwarding it to your entire email list of family and friends.

The Discovery Channel documentary slams Christianity

The documentary claims that the tombs of Jesus, Mary, Mary Magdalene and a supposed son of Jesus —Judah— have been found, thus making the Bible and two thousand years of history a lie.

Dear Geketa,

According to the Discovery Channel's documentary "The Lost Tomb of Jesus" airing Sunday, March 4, the bones of Jesus-- buried with His family -- have been found. In addition, the documentary says that Mary Magdalene and Jesus might have had a son named Judah.

Here is what The Discovery Channel says about the program and the Christian faith: "All leading epigraphers agree about the inscriptions. All archaeologists confirm the nature of the find. It comes down to a matter of statistics. A statistical study commissioned by the broadcasters (Discovery Channel/Vision Canada/C4 UK) concludes that the probability factor is 600 to 1 in favor of this tomb being the tomb of Jesus of Nazareth and his family."

Having watched how Hollywood portrays Christians and Christian values for the past 30 years, it is clear that Hollywood considers Christianity its greatest enemy. Because of our silence, Christianity is the only religion they feel free to attack!

Read 'Lost Tomb of Jesus' tries to turn 'fiction into believability,' minister warns

It is time for Christians to send a message to The Discovery Channel and Hollywood that enough is enough!
Don't stay silent while The Discovery Channel and Hollywood continually attack our faith and our values.

The documentary was produced by James Cameron, whose claim to fame is directing the movie "The Titanic." Saying that Cameron is qualified to make a documentary on Jesus is like saying Hugh Hefner is qualified to make a documentary on abstinence before marriage!

For a critical review of this film by Probe Ministries President Kerby Anderson, click here.

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Forward this to your friends and family. Urge them to get involved and send a message to The Discovery Channel and Hollywood.


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Donald E. Wildmon, Founder and Chairman
American Family Association

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Sarah Pritchard

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Re: Discovery Channel Documentary slam Christianity !!
3/1/2007 5:22:20 AM

Looking at history and Jewish traditions, it is plausible and even very possible that Jesus and Mary Magdelane were married and therefore could have had a family.

The Bible talks about events that back this up, when studied deeply.

That does not take away the greatness of Jesus or the ideas that he taught us.

I don't know if this tomb is for real or not, but people's faith in Jesus's teachings do not have to be destroyed by such a finding.  It does not make the Bible a lie.

It is a question of interpretation.

That's how I feel anyway.  I find it all fascinating.  I've done religious studies for years.  I still believe in Jesus and what he wanted.

Best wishes & God bless.

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Re: Discovery Channel Documentary slam Christianity !!
3/1/2007 8:45:03 AM


 Dearest Geketa:

First, thank you for taking a step forward in your faith and tossing this into the arena for all to see for what it is, yet another way for someone to make money off of an on going controversial subject, and the Christian faith.

What most do not realize is that during the time that He was here, the name Jesus was a very popular name. So these " tomb robbers " have not uncovered the bones of The Nazarene , they  have located what I am sure will be found to be the remains of what is one of many men who were named Jesus. Likewise, as biblical history tells us, the name Mary (translated) was used to name many female children. Also, keep in mind that within the finite wisdom of Adoni, Mary was instructed to give her  son this name, Jesus; a name that would not give him any significance among men, rather, it would give him the opportunity to be more human in this respect and in having a name that many other men of his time shared in.

Next, He, Jesus the Christ ( Savior ) mentions on numerous occasions that while He is the " son of man ", we are not to put Him on a pedestal  to worship Him-  for to God must go all the glory. It is however, our awesome responsibility to embrace His teachings, to live our lives with these teachings as our foundations and in doing so, emulate His life though this process. By doing this we are, in many respects, being the only Jesus a person might experience when they see how we act and react in the face of adversity, and likewise, joy.

By this " man made " TV show finding its way on to Television and being blasted into the homes of people who are fortunate enough to have such a device, let alone electrical power to turn it on; this film maker is also presenting the life and times of Jesus the Christ to many who may not even know of Him as they should, and will engage them to seek more information. In this regard, this so called " document to history " will introduce Jesus the Christ, and His teachings, once again, to a world that certainly needs them.

All things for a purpose,

Joe Buccheri

“….that you would pray as one voice “


Geketa Holman

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Re: Discovery Channel Documentary slam Christianity !!
3/1/2007 11:57:59 AM

Hi Sarah ,

Thanks for stopping by! This in my opinion is  a question of whether the bible or Jesus is a lie.

 This is being presented  to shake the faith of  Christians and the  believing community world wide to under mind what they believe and stand for. That Jesus was just a mere man if that is the case than in essence G-d himself and the bible would be make to be nothing ,but lies. If that is the case then what kind of G-d do we serve? It is meant to cause doubt and division with in the christian faith as I see it.

I respect you and your opinion and we can agree to disagree on this one.:)

Blessings my friend always ,



Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one
Geketa Holman

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Re: Discovery Channel Documentary slam Christianity !!
3/1/2007 12:11:26 PM

Hi Joe,

Thank you for your imput you always bring something eye opening to the table. You saw something I never thought about . the money issue.. Yes I agree now that you have so kindly pointed this out.. it will bring tons of cash..

I agree and knew that the names Jesus and Mary were very popular names during this time when Jesus the christ walked the earth .

 My biggest question on how are they going to prove it is the supposed DNA .. who  are they going to get it and from .. and how are they going to prove it when they do with out leaving doubt as to the lineage?

 Know fact the Jews were scattered to the 4 winds as G-d said he would.. so how will anyone know for sure as to whether they are true descents of the line of Judahand more so the line of David ?? Much less Jesus and Mary more questions without answers ..!!

Yes the best thing that will come from this is teaching Jesus is the Christ to the world and causing them to seek ,, it will be a great seed being planted ..

Blessings my brother ..


Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one

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