Dearest Geketa:
First, thank you for taking a step forward in your faith and tossing this into the arena for all to see for what it is, yet another way for someone to make money off of an on going controversial subject, and the Christian faith.
What most do not realize is that during the time that He was here, the name Jesus was a very popular name. So these " tomb robbers " have not uncovered the bones of The Nazarene , they have located what I am sure will be found to be the remains of what is one of many men who were named Jesus. Likewise, as biblical history tells us, the name Mary (translated) was used to name many female children. Also, keep in mind that within the finite wisdom of Adoni, Mary was instructed to give her son this name, Jesus; a name that would not give him any significance among men, rather, it would give him the opportunity to be more human in this respect and in having a name that many other men of his time shared in.
Next, He, Jesus the Christ ( Savior ) mentions on numerous occasions that while He is the " son of man ", we are not to put Him on a pedestal to worship Him- for to God must go all the glory. It is however, our awesome responsibility to embrace His teachings, to live our lives with these teachings as our foundations and in doing so, emulate His life though this process. By doing this we are, in many respects, being the only Jesus a person might experience when they see how we act and react in the face of adversity, and likewise, joy.
By this " man made " TV show finding its way on to Television and being blasted into the homes of people who are fortunate enough to have such a device, let alone electrical power to turn it on; this film maker is also presenting the life and times of Jesus the Christ to many who may not even know of Him as they should, and will engage them to seek more information. In this regard, this so called " document to history " will introduce Jesus the Christ, and His teachings, once again, to a world that certainly needs them.
All things for a purpose,
Joe Buccheri
“….that you would pray as one voice “