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Sharon Lee

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Re: OPEN DISCUSSION..Christians, I call upon you to be not deterred. “discovery of Jesus’ bodily remains”,
2/28/2007 12:07:43 PM

Joined: 06 Oct 2006
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Location: Nashville, TN

New postPosted: Feb 28, 2007 09:33    Post subject: Vengeance Is MINE Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Delete this post View IP address of poster

Good morning friends in the Woods. Yesterday's post stirred people of faith and brought more response than I had ever imagined. We cannot be shaken by unbelievers who would love to see us destroyed as badly as the terrorists would love to wipe out all of the free world.

"All God's glory and beauty come from within, and there He delights to dwell. His visits there are frequent, His conversation sweet, His comforts refreshing, His peace passing all understanding." ~ Thomas A. Kempis

Stay the course my friends, be strong and do not waiver. God is love. He is also truth and in Him are no lies. Oh, and He is a just God. We sometimes do not want to include this fact about God. "Vengeance is mine, and recompense; their foot shall slip in due time." Deuteronomy 32:35.

He will deal with this issue and all attempts to overthrow His Kingdom. This is not a time of surrender, rather a time of growing faith.

March on with head held high.

Rudy Hiebert(rudyhiebert.myamsoil.c

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Re: OPEN DISCUSSION..Christians, I call upon you to be not deterred. “discovery of Jesus’ bodily remains”,
2/28/2007 12:16:16 PM
It's a last ditch effort to lead people away from historically documented facts. Looks like where ever or whoever is the source knows time is running.  
Deborah Skovron

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Re: OPEN DISCUSSION..Christians, I call upon you to be not deterred. “discovery of Jesus’ bodily remains”,
2/28/2007 4:06:52 PM

Hi Sharon,

    This is just appalling!! Some people will do anything to get publicity.

    I agree with you, Hollywood Hype.

Thank you.

Your Good friend


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Rudy Hiebert(rudyhiebert.myamsoil.c

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Re: OPEN DISCUSSION..Christians, I call upon you to be not deterred. “discovery of Jesus’ bodily remains”,
2/28/2007 4:46:40 PM
Since the start of this post, I sent Charles Adler the following:
Is it possible that the fast paced, Hollywood addicted  day and age we find ourselves in is responsible for this "black is white and white is black" media driven environment? We suck in any far flung stuff that someone concocts because we're too busy with life that matters. Speaking for myself, are we generally attracted to supposedly wise people who claim to offer something new? I wasn't born yesterday and know what I believe and why.
I'm not trying to convert you just get incensed when these types of things insult my intelligence. 
If anyone is interested, see the stuff near the end of this web site: 
Sharon Lee

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Re: OPEN DISCUSSION..Christians, I call upon you to be not deterred. “discovery of Jesus’ bodily remains”,
3/1/2007 5:53:25 PM

Joined: 06 Oct 2006
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PostPosted: Mar 01, 2007 09:38    Post subject: TOMB OF JESUS? Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Delete this post View IP address of poster

Today, in light of the stir concerning the alleged discovery of Jesus’ bones along with others close to him, I am sharing the following that speaks to the issue better than I presently am able.

TOMB OF JESUS? By Edward Fudge

With fanfare befitting its subject, The Discovery Channel has announced its TV special in March 2007 on “The Lost Tomb of Jesus.” The film is directed by James Cameron (“Titanic”) and Simcha Jacobovici, the latter being also co-author with Charles Pellegrino of the forthcoming book The Jesus Family Tomb. This media sensation stems from the 1980 discovery during routine construction work in Jerusalem of a first-century family burial plot. Inside the tomb were bone-boxes (called “ossuaries”) on which were inscribed the names “Mary,” “Mariamne,” “Matthew,” Jesus son of Joseph,” “Joseph” and “Judah son of Jesus.” Because these names were so common in first-century Palestine, the 1980 discovery aroused almost no scholarly interest. But by mixing the ho-hum bare facts with a generous stirring of imagination, the above-mentioned producers and authors have cranked out a spectacular tale of the very family tomb of Jesus Christ, featuring Mary Magdalene as his wife and their previously unknown son Judah. (“Matthew” is supposedly Mary’s unknown relative who somehow got included.)

The actual facts are far less sensational. These six names were all popular at the time these folks lived and died. Israeli archaeologist Amos Kloner says that of 900 period tombs uncovered around Jerusalem, 71 have included someone named “Jesus” and at least one other housed a “Jesus son of Joseph.” (James Charlesworth of Princeton Theological Seminary says that he has a first-century letter from Palestine written by one “Jesus” to another “Jesus” and witnessed by a third “Jesus.”) One of every five females in first-century Palestine was named “Mary” (of which “Mariamne” is but another form).

The Discovery Channel boasts DNA testing in support of its story. In fact, its DNA tests prove at most that this particular “Mariamne” and this particular “Jesus” were not related through their mothers. There is absolutely no real evidence, DNA or otherwise, that “Mariamne” is Mary Magdalene; that this “Jesus” is Jesus Christ; that either of these individuals was married to anyone, much less to each other; or that “Judah” is their son.

Besides all that, the New Testament portrays Jesus’ family living in Nazareth of Galilee at the opposite end of Palestine from Jerusalem. By all indications, the family was poor and was un likely to have a family tomb anywhere. In addition, Jesus’ opponents (but not his family or his followers, to our knowledge) referred to him as the “son of Joseph.”
According to the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, both Jesus’ mother and his stepfather were informed by angels that Jesus’ conception by Mary was divinely generated apart from human agency.

The Discovery Channel’s website claims that its presentation poses no threat to Christian faith since it still allows for Jesus to have experienced a “spiritual” resurrection and ascension into heaven.

Suffice it to say that either the Old Testament, intertestamental Jewish literature, Jesus’ enemies or his followers thought in terms of resurrection without the body. This was why Jesus’ opponents expended special effort to guard the tomb in which his corpse was actually placed, requesting and receiving from Pilate a Roman guard specifically assigned to preventing Jesus’ disciples from stealing the body then claiming he was raised from the dead. They had no need to worry. As it happened, the disciples required the multiple testimony of others and numerous personal appearances by Jesus (including his eating fish and pointing out his crucifixion scars) before they were convinced themselves. Once convinced, however, they paid with their lives rather than recant their own sure testimony that Jesus truly died, was buried and arose from the dead.

James Cameron is a master film-maker and Jacobovici/Pellegrino are skilled authors. Their problem is not any lack of expertise in their respective crafts. Their problem is the fanciful nature of the story they so skillfully tell. For in the bright light of day it is pure fiction. Far from a factual documentary supported by credible evidence, it is only a conjecture built on a supposition resting on a speculation.

Copyright 2007 by Edward Fudge. Permission herby granted to reprint this gracEmail in its entirety without change, with credit given and not for financial profit. To visit our multimedia website, click here: or go to .

“Let my soul take refuge…beneath the shadow of your wings;
Let my heart, this sea of restless waves, find peace in You, O God. ~Augustine

Stand up, stand up for Jesus.


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