Hello Andy,
There are alot of sponsers who there downlines count on them to give guidance on a daily basis. I have had only one person who did not want my emails sent, Everyone in my downline are outraged because I am there life line and they look forward every day every morning to get my words of wisdom or my tips for them to use daily.to promote there its your net business . it just makes no sense to me. communication is a key factor, you know as I do there are so many sponsers who lie to get there downlines and do not care, but I am a great sponser and I do care about helping my downline. So I will get my message out to my people one way or another. I will continue having my downline use the resourses that some do not want them to use or have, I network the correct way I will not let anyone interferre with the way I help others become successful.
It is ridicules that any one would cut off communication with there downlines because of afew who do not like recieving guidance.maybe thereshould of been a vote taken on the matter or a pole to see the percentage of who likes what, if you want your company to be a success you have to start with being successful yourself first to set an example.
Kathy Hamilton/simikathy