
Jack Sunshine

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2/25/2007 11:38:58 AM
FREE WEBSITE+ FREE PRODUCT=BEST COMPANY TO WATCH TeamWorkNews by Gary Haiser "You've got to be kidding me!" That's what one of the top network marketers told us after looking at our web site, then... he jumped all over this! Now the product strories are coming in - and only after 2 weeks in the business. "This stuff is fantastic, I've never tasted anything this good in the healthy beverage business... I'm ordering more for my whole family!" Just 2 weeks ago Jeanne and I told Keith (our sponsor) - OK, but we're not going to put a lot of effort into it. Yeh, right!!! This simple 3 x 4 matrix that pays to infinity, has no hoops and no hassles, pays even if you don't sponsor anyone (big bucks if you do, including three company-wide bonus pools) and will pay you over $100,000 in matching bonuses on just 81 people on your 4th level - EVEN IF YOU DIDN'T SPONSOR THEM - has the industry - and our circle of friends - buzzing. Our team, after a few short days, has 112 members and growing everyday with the 4th and 5th levels beginning to fill. Please read the message below and visit our web site. Study the product - it's good, the product that is... really good, a key element to building a strong, lasting residual income in this business. Then there's the pay plan. Click on the Opportunity button, then the Pay Plan... it's an easy read... because the pay plan is easy. People get it right away, then they lose sleep for fear of someone getting a good spot with us before they do AND - - someone getting to the people they know before they do. Yes - this is that good and I don't care how busy you are or how many programs you are in or are looking at. You need to take time right now to examine what Gregg Gunderson has come up with. It's simple, people can walk before they run and they can make serious money fast with a small group of people, even if they don't sponsor them! I wish I had thought of this!!! But, I'm glad I joined Keith the day he told me about it because that put us 2nd level to the company and you'll be in on the super-ground-floor with us if you get in now too. Join us, you'll be glad you did. Our direct mail program is about to launch and we have also ordered thousands of Internet leads. Get your spot on our team before we do our mass mailing (3-4 weeks from now) and massive e-mail advertising (beginning this week). Hey, why not make an extra $100G a month with just 81 people? Think it can't be done? Study the plan it will change your mind. Please read the message below, even if we sent it to you once before, then go to the web site and see for yourself why we are so fired up! Gary & Jeanne "You'll think I've lost my mind but with just 81 people I can make $100,000 per month - and so can you!!!" I'll make this short and sweet... Visit the web site (see below) - listen to the 2 minute message at the top of the first page in the web site, then read the the rest of the page. Study this simple, simple pay plan and see how you can earn 6 figures a month with just 81 people. Get a FREE bottle of product ($7 for s/h) - try it out... and share this information with a few people. See what happens! Oh, and here's the real kicker... my sponsor will be advertising month after month with more and more nation-wide ads, bigger and bigger ads etc., with the income he receives from this program each month and you and I will receive the "spill" from his "FREE" ad co-op. The more he earns - the more he advertises - the more we make! Get a few in yourself and naturally you'll reap even greater rewards. His ads will begin reaching 200,000 plus network marketers this month and more next month and so on. I can only tell you this - he never joins these programs, but he could not pass this one up - nor could I. Will it interfere with anything else we're doing or you're doing? No. As an example, you are 1 of 25 people I'm sending this to. Once I have enrolled 25 people my auto-responder leads and my sponsor's leads will take it from there. I'm done - finished, ready to cash the checks and enjoy the product! If you take a pass on this, it's OK (you'd have to be nuts, of course) - I'll simply pass this message on to someone else I know and like personally - until I have my 25 people, but then - - I'm done. You can make a ton of money with this program even if you don't sponsor anyone - but don't take my word for it - go to the web site and check it out. Read the web site - listen to the 2 minute message and - - get ready for the shock of your life! "I wish I had thought of this!" In success, Jack Sunshine 305-333-8929 JACK SUNSHINE
Sunshine Jewelry Trivita
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