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Sue Marshall

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Quote, Inspiration and Comfort Thread
2/25/2007 8:37:13 AM
Thought it would be good to have a place to post any good Quotes we may all come accross or anything inspiring or perhaps poems, prayers etc that may bring comfort. I will start with a few quotes and later a poem: By Dave Gardner: "Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From The Compassionate Life by Marc Ian Bara: "True compassion calls for appreciating not only what comforts us but what pierces is why the sweetest people are often those who have been the most wounded by life. They know what it feels like and almost can't help but to care." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ By Goerge Osmond Senior: "Having a friend is so important, but being a friend is more important than having a friend." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Alexander Walker, in Elbert Hubbard's Scrap Book [1923], 204): "Man can not degrade woman without himself falling into degradation; he can not elevate her without at the same time elevating himself" Sue
Robert Montgomery

140 Posts
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Re: Quote, Inspiration and Comfort Thread
2/25/2007 11:18:58 AM

Some of the inspriational quotes come with who said what, and some will be listed as UNK. or unknown.

By Robert Montgomery:

Know that there is a God, and do not ever forget her name !!!


By Robert Montgomery:

I suffered that you might not feel this pain. As I bled the life I shed has power to make you free. For your deeds I took the total blame.


By Frederick S. Perls:

I am I, you are you.

I am not in this world to live up to your expectations.

You are not in this world to live up to mine.

I do my thing, you do your thing.

I go my way, you go your way.

But if by chance that we should meet.

It would be beautiful.........................



Wisdom is a wonderful thing.

It teaches us to recognize a mistake

So we don't do it again.


John J. Phillips

(My grandfather)

Where you are, I once was.

Where I am, you may get to be.



Robert Montgomery  

Ram_Industries Robert A. Montgomery
Robert Montgomery

140 Posts
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Re: Quote, Inspiration and Comfort Thread
2/25/2007 12:56:39 PM

What can we truely get for free?

I have read this as well as heard it many times over the last 35 yrs. Who said it I have no idea, but I do know there is alot to consider each time I hear it.


24 Golden Hours

Starting at midnight every day, you are handed 24 Golden Hours.

That is a total of 86,400 seconds! Each different from the previous second. Each when used can never ever be re-used again. They are gone never to return ever.

They are one of the few things in this life we can actually say we can get free of charge.

If you had all the money in the world, you would not be able to buy an extra hour, or even a second. What will you do with this priceless treaure?

Remember, you must use them, you can not save them for a time you might need them, as this is a one time offer.

Once wasted, you can never get it back!


Robert Montgomery

Ram_Industries Robert A. Montgomery
Sue Marshall

113 Posts
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Re: Quote, Inspiration and Comfort Thread
2/25/2007 2:58:28 PM
Aww Robert they are great :) And that last one is so right... you only live once - do not waste it... And another in the same vein: "Life is not a rehearsal" Sue :)

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