It's all the rage. No, I don't mean the iPod or the latest wrinkle reducing magic pill. I'm referring to the latest incarnation of what is commonly called the Law of Attraction. It's the new movie (The Secret Movie
By the time you read this article, you will either have heard of it, you've seen it, or you've heard some myth or urban legend of how it was created. And, if you've been around Abraham-Hicks, Bob Proctor, Joe Vitale, or any of the others who were interviewed in The Secret movie, you know all about it.
It seems that about every 100 or so years (give or take a few centuries), someone writes a variation of the law of attraction. Buddhists have written for centuries that whatever it is you contemplate most, you create. You'll find various other ancient scriptures that refer to man's ability to move mountains, create miracles, or perform heroic deeds merely by focusing their attention, and acting with a clear mind toward a specified end results.
Today, we find the law of attraction backed by science, or at least a variation of quantum physics.
Now, in The Secret movie, we're told once again that we can "create our reality" by altering our thinking. The experts who discuss the power of the human mind to create and transform have all accomplished great deeds by setting a clear intention and following through with actions that move them toward whatever it is they envision.
The Secret movie and the law of attraction teachers will all tell you much the same things. But in my opinion, they omit (either because they don't know, or don't have the time and space to say it all) a critical - perhaps THE critical - element.
It is now being proven that the true power of intention - the law of attraction - lay in a combination of clear, focused thought and action.
Allow me to explain. Scientists are measuring brain activity in combination with physical tests and mental focus. Test groups are split. Some might practice a golf swing only in their minds. Others have no practice at all. A third group will practice on the field, but without the mental focus. And a fourth group practices both in their minds (30-40 minute active visualizations) and on the field.
The fourth group far outperforms the other groups, with the mental focus group and field practice group coming in nearly identically on the tests.
It's the same with the law of attraction (as described in The Secret movie). Those who use both the power of mental focus - imagining themselves in the action of accomplishing their goal - and the physical actions that ensue from their mental focus are by far more successful than those who use just one or the other.
Therefore, I propose something entirely new as a type of New Year's resolution.
Rather than say, "My resolution is to accomplish XYZ,” or to "Make $10,000 per month,” or some such similar goal, I propose that you try this:
"This year I see myself taking exactly the right steps and actions that will enable me to..."
See, the new focus is on imagining you IN ACTION toward your goal, as well as in the ACTION of achieving or receiving your goal. If you were a boxer, you'd imagine each and every punch and counterpunch, and see yourself receiving the prize. You'd also practice these moves in the ring. A basketball player will practice in his mind and on the court. A musician will do likewise.
So, don't just see yourself walking around with a pocket full of money. See yourself taking all the appropriate actions that will put that money in your pocket. The Secret movie says little about the importance of both visualization and action. And, most gurus will leave this step out.
Why? My belief is that they don't want to turn you away by saying you'll have to do a little work. They'd rather have you plunk your hard-earned money down on their product, leaving you with a hope and a prayer, but little else to show for your money.
If you want to achieve great things, you have to DO great things. And, you have to see yourself doing those great things. The law of attraction works best if you are in action. Go watch The Secret Movie
again with this in mind. You might learn a thing or two that will get you more of what you want.