Aaron and Kathy, From my experience I can tell you a little about getting email read.
*1) NEVER, use all caps, only one keyword at most *2) Create desire to read further
*3) Make sure your subject line reflects content of email
*4) No outrageous claims or time sensitivity
*5) Send only to those you feel would be interested in subject
*6) For business related, avoid too cutesy
*7) Spell check, I'm not reading something full of errors
*8) Use proper grammar (especially don't use "your" for "you're")
*9) Short is better, two lines are too much
*10) Never use "Free" or mention price in subject line
These are some of the guidelines I use to determine if I am going to open an email. Violate any of them and I'm not going to open your email, plain and simple. Keep a dictionary close by, and consult it often for proper spelling and word useage. Remember the difference between "there" and "their", as well as all of the other commonly mis-used words. Make sure you're saying what you intend to be saying.
Hope this helps, I've noticed a considerable lack of all of these points throughout this community. In business, it is totally unacceptable. How you present your message tells me a lot about the offer. If the presentation is sloppy, I consider the product is no better, and will avoid it everytime.
Thanks, Jonathan