Cancer is FEAR, or is it?
Cancer may be the most feared disease in America. We are constantly being told all our life that cancer kills. Have we not heard it is a horrible disease accompanied by pain, suffering and treatments that are probably worse than the disease itself? Our subconscious reaches back through time to recall individuals who have had cancer, all of whom suffered and died. Now if you are one of those who now have been told you are one of them…. Ekkk. Leprosy, could almost equate with Cancer. One of the….
Oh, but we who have cancer are touchable; however, we just may not be here long is all.
Facing mortality is the real issue as well all know at one time or another we will die, we just don’t particularly like to know about it and suffer as a result. Sometimes we end up blaming ourselves or others, denial, hate, all sorts of feelings. We are told that the day has or will shortly arrive when we may no longer be on earth. Some never even get that much warning.
What is really going to take place? Will we not exist ever? Or, are we really just going to our real home. Our spirit and body will not be together, but our living part, our spirit gets to go home to God, and all the other family members and friends in the past. In stead of me looking to the past I want to look to the future. Being with those I love who have passed on ahead. Looking to give words of wisdom to those I leave behind. I have a chance few get. To share, what life really is all about for me? To record my deep inner thoughts and enjoy the last few days, months of life. Love others like never before. Reach out and comfort those around me, all is well, life is not death—it is life for ever. We just happen to leave an ill body behind and move on to a better existence of peace and happiness with loved ones.
I am not alone. Others are also going through the same thing. How can I make things better for them? How can I in my last days make others hurting more than I feel worthwhile and better. Yes, I cannot look too much at self and have a pity party. Why, because that is the real killer. I am not dead but live. I will pray for those who pray for me to understand that life is hear and now, and forever. I am just going into a different room in time to carry on. It will not be long and all whom I cherish here will be with me once again. He is risen and one day so will I.
Am I forsaken, no I have friends and family. I have not yet become like job and lost everyone.
And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God:
Job 19: 26