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Urgent. Autistic Children Take Another Hit
2/23/2007 12:36:55 AM

Hello Everybody

    The following update that I have just received from The National Autism Association shows very clearly why we all have to get involved in our governments business a little more. This is the whole reason that I have spent so much time and energy advocating for our children with autism and their families. Our law makers are being dictated to by BIg Pharma and Big Business. This has to stop and you and I are the only ones who can stop it. We have got to unite and stand up against these people who are willing to trade the health and welfare of our children for profit. Since I have begun this campaigne to protect our children the austism rate for our children has gone from 1 in every 166 children to one in every 150 children in America. Some areas are reporting rates as high as 1 in every 138 children.

   Show me here that you care and that you are willing to do something about this miscarriage of justice and I will provide you with every petition and every address that you could ever want to help us fight this crime against humanity.

For Immediate Release:
February 23, 2007

Rita Shreffler, NAA (Nixa, MO) 401-632-6452
Wendy Fournier, NAA (Portsmouth, RI) 401-632-7523

CDC’s Vaccine Committee Whitewashed Toxic Vaccine Component, Says National Autism Association (NAA)

Vaccine discussion excluded peer-reviewed published research documenting harmful effects of the mercury preservative thimerosal

Atlanta, GA - Parents and health advocates are expressing outrage over the recommendation from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Advisory Committee for Immunization Practices (ACIP) that pregnant women, infants and children continue to be exposed to mercury contained in the flu vaccine despite recommendations from the Institute of Medicine that mercury not be injected into these sensitive populations since 2001.

Dr. Jay Lieberman was assigned to present on “Thimerosal, Reviewing the Evidence.” A plethora of peer-reviewed published data documenting the harmful effects of thimerosal on the immune, metabolic and nervous systems in humans and animals is widely available with a simple PubMed data search.  But none of this information was mentioned by Dr. Lieberman. Instead, the discussion centered on epidemiological studies which have been highly criticized due to their inability to identify any such harmful associations.  In fact, one such study presented by Dr. Lieberman was found by the National Institute of Health (NIH) in October of 2006 to contain several serious flaws that were “judged to reduce the usefulness of an ecologic study design using the VSD (Vaccine Safety Database) to address the potential association between thimerosal and the risk of Autism Spectrum Disorders.”  

Dr. Lieberman has been a consultant to Merck, GlaxoSmithKline, and Sanofi-Pasteur and is on the speakers’ bureau for all three vaccine-makers, who have used, and currently use, thimerosal in their products.  “We have been very concerned about Dr. Lieberman’s conflicts of interest,” commented Executive Director Rita Shreffler of NAA.  Shreffler says that NAA requested that a counterpoint speaker without ties to drug companies be allowed to present current, peer-reviewed toxicological data and the request was denied. “To leave this presentation in the hands of those who have profited from, and continue to use thimerosal in some of their products is consistent with the CDC’s history of concealing the consequences of injecting mercury into humans,” said Shreffler.

While most routine childhood vaccines are currently available in mercury-free or reduced mercury versions, the majority of flu shots still contain 25 micrograms of mercury, an amount considered unsafe under government agency guidelines for anyone weighing less than 550 lbs.  The CDC now recommends flu shots for pregnant women and children ages six months through five years.  “It’s obvious this committee’s ties to the drug companies are dictating what will come to light regarding the use of mercury in vaccines,” said Claire Bothwell, NAA board chair.  “When it comes to discussing thimerosal, it’s hard to tell where the pharmaceutical industry leaves off and where the CDC begins.  The blurring of these lines is not in the best interests of public health.”

For more information, visit and



Think Autism. Think Cure.

May a smile follow you to sleep each night,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
           and be there waiting,,, when you awaken.
Sincerly, Bill Vanderbilt
Mental Health And Political Forums Respectively
Visit the Billallys Pub network at:
The following link is to a program that has been highly recommended to me by people that i know and trust. I have been unable to find anything negative about this company.
May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
Sheryl Loch

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Re: Urgent. Autistic Children Take Another Hit
2/23/2007 12:50:29 AM

Hello Bill,

This is not new information, but it is now getting allot more attention. I really wish it had come up to be 'News' much sooner.

I did not get my youngest daughter all the vaccines, because of a heart condition her surgeon advised me not to. When I entered her in school I had to claim religion as the reason for not doing it. I am glad now that I have pulled her out of school. Schools are now requiring more Meds than ever.

If you have never been to one of Robert Carrillo's forums you may want to take a look. He has allot of links for information about all kinds of vaccines.


I’m Breaking Down The Walls!

Sheryl Loch  ~   allmylovecrafts

Proud Mom of Jerky4College Rep,

Caitlinn Hagar  ~   gamegirlracing



Re: Urgent. Autistic Children Take Another Hit
2/23/2007 1:38:49 AM

Hello Sheryl

  Thank you for stopping by this forum and posting your thoughts. The reason that I refer to this as new is because this is a report on the very latest research report released by the CDC. TRhis was just published for the first time on 2/23/ 07. Yes, it is just a repeat of the same old story but it shows the continued neglect and abuse of our children by the government and big business. So far, I know of only one country in the world whose government has admitted to lying and covering up the dangers of thimerosal in vaccinations. That is Norway and they are currently offering monetary settlements to the families of those who have been injured by childhood immunizations.

   Thank God that you had the knowledge and the courage to be able to protect your child from this terrible tragedy. I truly hope that yor stoty will inspire other parents to do the same. Thanks again for stopping by Sheryl and please do come back again soon.

May a smile follow you to sleep each night,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
           and be there waiting,,, when you awaken.
Sincerly, Bill Vanderbilt
Mental Health And Political Forums Respectively
Visit the Billallys Pub network at:
The following link is to a program that has been highly recommended to me by people that i know and trust. I have been unable to find anything negative about this company.
May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
Lisa Simpkins

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Re: Urgent. Autistic Children Take Another Hit
2/23/2007 7:47:36 AM

Hi Billy,

Iam involved with our local chapter for childrens Autism at

we rally in funds for the Autistic by doing a Harley Davidson Motor Show it is everyones interest to get involved with the Autistic in one way or another.It is to help the innocent that have no power at all.

May I copy your Article and use the information for my cause(Same Cause)?

Thank you for sharing!


Sheryl Loch

1260 Posts
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Re: Urgent. Autistic Children Take Another Hit
2/23/2007 10:36:07 AM


I posted a copy of the letter on our free forum. We have allot of WAHM's that come there, so I hope that helps get the attention of Mom's.

They just had a segment on 'The View' a few weeks ago about the high rate of Autism. They also talked about the therapies that now are being used to help these children. These were not medications but actual mind training & repetition ways of improving the kids abilities. The parent on the show spent ALLOT of time working with there kids but are having great results. The results of the therapy varied depending on the degree of Autism they had.

I do not have an Autistic child so, I am just a person that is listening & hoping to help bring awareness.

Today is My Day!

Sheryl Loch   ~  allmylovecrafts

Proud Mom of Jerky4College Rep,

Caitlinn Hagar  ~   gamegirlracing


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