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Terry Gorley

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Re: The Person Below me (game)
5/3/2007 11:41:34 PM

WOW ... great horse, Neil ... OOPS, I see what you mean ... this horse has a hump! 

I'm guessing that isn't you on the camel.

Invite 10 new friends a day for 10 days ... I can do that!



The person below me will ask Joe Downing how to TAG a friend if they don't already know.  If they do know they will go TAG a friend.



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Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: The Person Below me (game)
5/4/2007 1:11:27 AM
Hello friends,
Do you know why Joe Buccheri deleted three of my posts today in his topic titled WHO IS BEAVIS SANCHEZ AND WHY IS HERE AT ADLANDPRO.
If Joe Buccheri did right or no I respect it and I protect his forum. You don't why. Well take a look and tell me if we all should know about what happened in my PHILOXENIA forum 3 days before it was rated and WHY my good friend Arthur gave his reply in Mikes forum.
To read my reply to Beavis Sanchez in our forums.
Click here to know see what Joe posted and click here to see what I amongst the others informed informed Joe about.
The person below believs that Joe had to protect his forum and leaves me a reply at the second link
Kindly regards
Ps. I am glad at least that Joe Buccheri read and mentions the problem. For good or for bad bad reason Beavis Sanchez posted only in my forums to make the judging committe to value my forum very low.
I forced this person to accept me as a friend otherwise I would delete his posts in my forums.
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Robert Montgomery

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Re: The Person Below me (game)
5/4/2007 6:21:39 AM


I tend to agree as you stated above.

I feel if there is a thread that gets to its members of a forum or the forum owner feels just shouldn't be posted, it is accepted that the post be removed. But with a brief explanation to why it was deleted.

I have seen in the Meaning of Names some information which does indeed come close to actual facts, but missing key information. Explanation below.

Montgomery which is my surname and I have done extensive research on my familys genealogy is one such brief missing main information.

The meaning for the name of Montgomery is "Mountain of Gomericus"

Gomericus was a Roman Soldier, who when he had died was given a great honorable burial according to Roman ways for his service to Rome, and his many feats of heroism.

Montgomery in French "Pointed Mountain" Still depicts the location of Gomericus in Rome.

Montgomerie or Montague in French are other names or spellings.

I agree what you did was right and you should not think any more of it until it raises its beavis head again.......

The person below me has never done genealogy research on their family name!

Robert Montgomery

Ram_Industries Robert A. Montgomery
Judy Smith

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Re: The Person Below me (game)
5/4/2007 7:06:50 AM

Hi Robert, et al!!!

Actually we have done a bit of research on our family names.  We are still researching - this is so much fun.

The person below me is going skydiving this weekend.


Robert Montgomery

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Re: The Person Below me (game)
5/4/2007 8:11:04 AM


If you need any help, please let me know with surnames your having a hard time to research......

Most names are fundamental..... Johnson is derived from Johns' son.

Blackman was normally used when the father was a Blacksmith... hence Blacksmith was derived the same way.

Looking for surnames from localities or what the person did for work is often used in surnames.

Like I stated above:

Montgomery = Mont which is = to Mount or Mountain.

Gomery is because when persons with a speech accent say the word but we sometimes hear it differently then what is spoken. Gomery was instead Gomerie (Fr.) to reference Gomeri, and Gomericus.

As for skydiving:

I have been in 2,942 planes and jumped out of 2,759 of them.....

I do believe my skydiving has met its end........ lol, yes I know ....

Why would I jump out of so many perfectly good planes?

Because the pilot jumped?????? lol

No I was in the 82nd Airborne, Second to None, and Death From Above.

The person below me wants to try skydiving! But is scared......

Robert Montgomery

Ram_Industries Robert A. Montgomery