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Robert Montgomery

140 Posts
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Re: Jokes Thread
3/14/2007 6:16:56 PM

AH AH AH AH ..... Ha ha ha ha spelled backwards Marty:


Secret Society !!!

A man walks into a bar and orders a beer..
As he is drinking his beer he takes a look
around the bar to see who all was there.

He finishes his drink, orders another beer....
He bigins to think something is amiss.
Finishes his second beer....

Orders a 3rd beer and the bartender asks for
his special name?

Man says he has no idea what the batender means.
The bartender points to group of guys in corner.

Says the guy in the red shirts name is Billie Sue,
The guy in blue shirts name is Sissy, and the guy
in black shirt is named Sally Mae.....

Points to a few other guys and says each name.
Paula, Pamela, Debbie and Sharon.

He says those are their special names. To continue
drinking in his bar that the man must have a special name.

Man thinks for a while and says his name will be Secret.
Bartender says that is a strange name but for now on
your name will be Secret. But why Secret?

Man says " Secret because I'm strong enough for a man.
but made for a woman" !

For those outside the USA. Secret is a womans deodorant.


Ram_Industries Robert A. Montgomery
Sue Marshall

113 Posts
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Re: Jokes Thread
3/15/2007 5:07:59 AM
Love the jokes so far guys, thanks for joining in:

OK here we go, this is the joke that is going to get me in trouble with you guys tee hee... Please note two things.

1) YOU HAVE TO read this and imagine John Cleese is making this announcement - he does do our BESTEST posh accent LOL and..

2) I have my passport ready, foreign money sorted and place to hide and I may not come out to play again for a while, or until I know the coast is clear LOL.

3) I know I said two things, so I am British, get used to it LOL this is long, sorry, but it's funny - I may need to post it in two separate posts.

oh yeah 4) LOL Your mission should you choose to accept it, is - to find some jokes to retaliate with, go on, "Dig a Brit Day" you know you will enjoy it LOL (this message will not self distruct any time soon).


A Message from John Cleese to the citizens of the United States of America :

In light of your failure to elect a competent President of the USA and thus
to govern yourselves, we hereby give notice of the revocation of your
independence, effective immediately.

Her Sovereign Majesty Queen Elizabeth II will resume monarchical duties over
all states, commonwealths, and territories (excepting Kansas , which she does
not fancy).

Your new prime minister, Tony Blair, will appoint a governor for America
without the need for further elections. Congress and the Senate will be
disbanded. A questionnaire may be circulated next year to determine whether
any of you noticed.

To aid in the transition to a British Crown Dependency, the following rules
are introduced with immediate effect:

(You should look up "revocation" in the Oxford English Dictionary)
1. Then look up aluminium, and check the pronunciation guide. You will be
amazed at just how wrongly you have been pronouncing it.

2. The letter 'U' will be reinstated in words such as 'favour' and
'neighbour.' Likewise, you will learn to spell 'doughnut' without skipping
half the letters and the suffix -ize will be replaced by the suffix -ise.
Generally, you will be expected to raise your vocabulary to acceptable
levels (look up 'vocabulary').

3. Using the same twenty-seven words interspersed with filler noises such as
"like" and "you know" is an unacceptable and inefficient form of

There is no such thing as US English. We will let Microsoft know on your
behalf. The Microsoft spell-checker will be adjusted to take account of the
reinstated letter 'u' and the elimination of '-ize'. You will relearn your
original national anthem, God Save The Queen.

4. July 4th will no longer be celebrated as a holiday.

5. You will learn to resolve personal issues without using guns, lawyers, or
therapists. The fact that you need so many lawyers and therapists shows that
you're not adult enough to be independent.

6. Guns should only be handled by adults. If you're not adult enough to sort
things out without suing someone or speaking to a therapist then you're not
grown up enough to handle a gun. Therefore, you will no longer be allowed to
own or carry anything more dangerous than a vegetable peeler. A permit will
be required if you wish to carry a vegetable peeler in public.

7. All American cars are hereby banned. They are crap and this is for your
own good. When we show you German cars, you will understand what we mean.

8. All intersections will be replaced with roundabouts, and you will start
driving on the left with immediate effect. At the same time, you will go
metric with immediate effect and without the benefit of conversion tables.
Both roundabouts and metrication will help you understand the British sense
of humour.

9. The Former USA will adopt UK prices on petrol (which you have been
calling gasoline) -- roughly $6/US gallon. Get used to it.

10. You will learn to make real chips. Those things you call French fries
are not real chips, and those things you insist on calling potato chips are
properly called crisps. Real chips are thick cut, fried in animal fat, and
dressed not with catsup but with vinegar.

11. The cold tasteless stuff you insist on calling beer is not actually beer
at all. Henceforth, only proper British Bitter will be referred to as Beer,
and European brews of known and accepted provenance will be referred to as
Lager. American brands will be referred to as Near-Frozen Gnat's Urine, so
that all can be sold without risk of further confusion.

12. Hollywood will be required occasionally to cast English actors as good
guys. Hollywood will also be required to cast English actors to play English
characters. Watching Andie Macdowell attempt English dialogue in Four
Weddings and a Funeral was an experience akin to having one's ears removed
with a cheese grater.

13. You will cease playing American football. There is only one kind of
proper football; you call it soccer. Those of you brave enough will, in
time, be allowed to play rugby (which has some similarities to American
football, but does not involve stopping for a rest every twenty seconds or
wearing full Kevlar body armour like a bunch of nancies).

14. Further, you will stop playing baseball. It is not reasonable to host an
event called the World Series for a game which is not played outside of
America . Since only 2.1% of you are aware that there is a world beyond your
borders, your error is understandable.

15. You must tell us who killed JFK. It's been driving us mad.

16. An internal revenue agent ( i.e. tax collector) from Her Majesty's
Government will be with you shortly to ensure the acquisition
of all monies due (backdated to 1776).

17. Daily Tea Time begins promptly at 4 pm with proper cups, never mugs,
with high quality biscuits (cookies) and cakes; strawberries in season.

John Cleese

Joe Downing

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Re: Jokes Thread
3/15/2007 7:47:18 AM
All in fun of course....

That' it!?  You thought that would offend US?  Give me a break!  You put cream in your tea and have to use sugar cubes out of a cup(?).  We put lemon in ours and drink it for the taste of the tea from a jar.  Nice and like you know... cold!  Yum!  I don't eat donuts, but a bear claw once-n-while is pretty good, like wow.  I can't imagine eating fish and chips when there is steak and shrimp near by.  You ain't adult enough unless you have a steak knife to hold on too when you eat.  Yessiree.  There is something about eating steak and owning a gun or five.  :)  I don't drink beer anymore, so you can bring your bitter over any time.  Course, I wonder why you call your's a bitter and our boys will die for an ice cold (we don't chill anything by the way) Bud. 

Do me a favor neighbor, it was you guys who started the English Standards and then decided to jump into a more understandable system, get over it (or on with it if you please).  I never understood who could have come up with the quart and yard when everyone else in the world was using liter and meter.  But, it is okay... we have sent many a man to the moon and back, settled the wild wild west and created our favorite world series sport baseball all using those standards.  Let's see... the metric... oh never mind.  Don't want to brag, it was all done for the good of mankind anyway.  At least we have civilized fans who can walk away realizing it was only a game.

Oh, I don't think you have ever had a cookie until you chow down one of Grandma's Double Dutch Chocolate duets.  Takes a gallon of tea to warsh them down.  Yahoo!  Oh, didn't mean to bring up Yahoo.  What about Google... what would have ya'll named them?  Hoorah and Search Engine?  Okay... not very creative, but would get the job done.  NOT!        

I didn't want to bring this up either, but well your Queenie doesn't like Kansas.  Our President probably doesn't either.  Many a grain barge has been filled with the golden wheat from that beautiful flat country ridden with some of the toughest folks on earth.  You should see the sky on a early morning day.  Can you say tornado?  Those people live their lives in great danger to brink food to the world.  Did you have your crumpet today?  We call them English muffins, but oh well.  Slap some Georgia peach jellie on it and who the hell cares... it's gone.  

If I could, I would eliminate the spell checker for good.  I rather enjoy reading people's post spelled just the way they talk.  Sort of brings character to their writings.  About the only things we pickle over here are cucumbers, hogs feet and eggs.   It's funny to watch tourists stare at that giant two gallon jar of pickled pigs feet (or hog's hoofs).   Wejagoinnow!   You can stick with your soggy tater chips.  You know what my Grandma used those hunky slices of potatoe that you call chips?  She wouldn't ruin them with vinegar, she covered them with Valveeta cheese.  Whoa now!  Sure beats pasta and cheese any day.  I am sure you do not understand the delight of tabasco and catsup (ketchup).  They are truly gifts from God.  You should try some on your chippies.

I can't speak for everyone over here, but I really don't care who shot JFK.  Those that adore our country don't waste time putting down who the majority voted into office.  Those that do are just plain ignorantly arrogant because they lost and should go live elsewhere to be with likeminded folks.  Personally, I think it was a jealous boy friend of Marylin's.  You know how those Kennedy's are.  I would find it more interesting if they would let us have tours into the Area 51 to see all those aliens we shot out of the sky.  You know those buggers that have been ruining your corn fields?  We don't put up with that kind of crap over here.  To heck with rugby and football.  A lot of our young people fly around in super sonic jets chasing these "things" off.  Talk about being tough.  The rest us just watch them on our 42" LCD HDTVs while driving down the road in our HUMMERS at 80MPH. 

I hope you haven't been offended by my "vocab".  I've been to Europe.  Stood guard many a cold night in the freezing bitter snow to keep other European's from sneaking over and hurting the west.  I use to stand there watching that cold fence wondering what the heck I (a Texan) was doing there.  Then deep down inside I hear that most endearing tune that causes me to snap to attention....
Oh say can you see...  Yeah, it's called Independence!  Enough said.  :)

***ADLAND BULLETIN BOARD*** What is Xtreme X2O? ###Get some X2O and Jerky RADICAL for the TRUTH! Laus Deo! ** HUG DEPARTMENT: Always OPE
Sue Marshall

113 Posts
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Re: Jokes Thread
3/15/2007 9:11:29 AM
Oh Joe what a fabulous retort, love it!! and I didn't really think you would be offended but anyone just happening on this thread might have been, so I did want to get across that it is just in fun and that you can aim em right back at me.

You certainly have picked up the quaint English phrases and words too, well impressed here LOL...

In fact I adore the US, visited for the first time when I was 44 (wanted to go all my life) in 2004, was there for 3 weeks and didn't want to come home.  The food is simply gorgeous and the service over there makes our waiters and waitresses look like Fred and Wilma if you get my meaning.

So we will all have to get together some day, some how and compare our different biscuits, sauces and drinks etc... wouldn't that be a party to behold...

Simply loved your reply Joe and I reckon I am safe to come out of hiding now.

Take care
Your Short Brit Friend Sue
Marty Bromberg

571 Posts
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Re: Jokes Thread
3/15/2007 9:22:05 AM

Hi Sue,

I love it.I know you are just having some fun and I am in favor of that.Every knock is a boost old girl,so I do not take it as an insult.Remember no body kicks a dying dog.Iwill tell you some  jokes.

Question  What Does an Italian Girl Say after having sex?

Answer   Ma Ma Mia!

Question  What does a French girl say after having sex?

Answer  Oooh La La!

Question  What does a British girl say after having sex.

Answer  (scroll down)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Answer  I say old chap 'Feeling Better"!!!

Question  What did Sir Winston Churchill Say When England was attacked by The Nazi's.

Answer   "England Will Fight Till The Last American Soldier and the Last American Dollar"

Question   What does an Englishman say when he comes home and catches his wife in bed with 3 guy's.

Answer  I say Hello,Hello Hello

It's good to laugh,

