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Len Berghoef

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Re: Cowboy Logic
2/23/2007 12:08:44 PM

Hi Dan,

Glad you stopped by!

Dry your tears and have a great weekend! :)



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Len Berghoef

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Re: Cowboy Logic
2/23/2007 12:16:08 PM

Hi Sheryl,

Glad I could help in keeping your laptop in one piece!

I find that to be true also that if I am having a hard time with something on the computer or otherwise it is a good idea to step away take a break. Then I am usually successful in dealing with the problem.

Have a wonderful day! :)



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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: Cowboy Logic
2/23/2007 12:23:26 PM
Ha! The city folks always think the farmers aren't sharp, WRONG!  Actually it's very difficult to fool country people.
Len Berghoef

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Re: Cowboy Logic
2/23/2007 1:15:25 PM

Hi Kathleen,

So true! To illustrate your point here is a short story. I was traveling to Alaska from Michigan in 1970. It was the middle of January. At one point in Canada the temperature got very cold -45 degrees, and my finely tuned 1968 Camaro wasn't running well. I went to two different dealorships in a couple big cities, but no one could figure out why the motor kept wanting to stall.

 At one point I was in the middle corn country, and the motor just stopped running! I had a long way to go to get to Anchorage this was not good! I walked over to the nearest farm house, and asked to use a phone. The farmer asked me what's the problem was with the car. I explained to him what had been happening and he said "I think I know what the problem is after looking at the engine for a few minutes. You need to run your car without the air filter, because ice tends to form all around it starving the engine of the air it needs." Then he said smiling "you don't need an air filter out here anyway the air is perfectly clean out here!"

He was absolutely right and I didn't have any more problems. I will never forget that experience. :)

Best Regards,




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Nick Sym

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Re: Cowboy Logic
2/23/2007 4:00:44 PM
Hi Leonard,

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