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Kathy Hamilton

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2/22/2007 1:31:27 PM
Hello Linda,
I am so sorry for your loss,I will  be posting your son's poem.I need everyone to hear this.Hope you dont mind.
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Dennis Clairmont

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2/22/2007 2:09:03 PM
Hi Kathy i hope you like it. This is My First Poem. I call it (THE SAUSAGE) The Sausage There is a boy at the end of his time. Searching for food just one more time. He walks the streets fighting hunger and pain. His face is dirty and clothes are stained. Will this be the day he's taken away. Will he eat again to live another day. In his search he finds one sausage on the ground. He picks it up checking all around. The boy is happy to find such treasure. How only one sausage could bring such pleasure. He cleans the grime from the sausage he's found. When all of a sudden he is struck to the ground. A man stand over this starveing little boy. Picks up the sausage and eats it with joy. The end of time boy then struggles to find a sleep. The dream that comes is so livid and deep. This boy awakes in a place past the end of his time. Where sausages are served on platters that shine. God gave the children a gift of wonder and joy. He was lost to a sausage this poor starveing boy. I remember reading a story in a comic book when i was a kid.It madfe me wonder how children are hungry and die every day on this planet.I send what i can afford to help the hungry i'm not rich.But what gets me i used to hate eating Sausages.Ever since i read that story i never forgot it to this day i have loved appricated sausages even a cold sausage so go figure.That one Comic book story bore in me to try to help others.The Power of Words. Dennis
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Michael Caron

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2/22/2007 4:44:34 PM

 Walking Garbage CanHi Kathy,

  Here is my contribution.  Shirley has a forum called Seeking Forgiveness.  I would love it if she could get some good responses.


                                    Flowers of Doom

Flowers won't bloom in a small, dark room

A child is crying in his crib by the door

No one will see petals fall from the Flowers od Doom

Lonely cries from a baby unheard-the parents ignore.


Society is changing, High Morals have Fallen

Behind closed doors Horrors prevail every day

More drugs than before coursing through veins like evil Pollen

When it is finally too late, the child's parents will pay.


Flowers planted without Sunlight will wither and die

Children of parents on drugs will perish one day

No one will wipe sad teardrops from the child's eyes

Parents on Drugs have hearts formed in Clay.


When will this pain end?  The Sorrow and Grief

Why can't we stop these Pushers of Dope?

Young children getting High-Their lives are so Brief

What is in the Future, for those without Hope?

written by;

Michael James Caron


Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.
Michael Teka

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2/23/2007 3:31:45 PM
Here is my Poem "Oppressed Inventor". You can find it in the archive. (Country-Western Turnaround) Theres a pretty, blond, police lady she keeps an eye on me she knows that I was terrorised it really wasn't nice 'cos I had a free energy idea about ten years ago man Im amazed that I am still alive (Rock) Snot was the order on the day! snot in my face! snot in my face! snot was the order of the day! snot in my food! snot in my food. Arrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! (Heavy Metal Guitar solo) Murderer! murderer scandalise to hypnotise society! murderer, murderer scabies grew on my face! Arrrrrrrrrrrr!!!
Amanda Martin-Shaver

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2/26/2007 9:10:43 AM

Wonderful Creation

As I gaze out from my window
and look around outside
I see the beauty You created
And I feel all warm inside

The trees of many shapes, colours and sizes
To provide shade, food and fresh air
Oxygen for us and hydrogen for the plants
Nobody should ever deny that You created it all

The great hills, mountains of various shapes
How can anyone say that they just evolved?
Man is so blind, they have sight but do not see
The great marvel of nature that is not a mystry

The rivers, streams and salt water oceans
They provide vital food and sources for every nation
To have two distinct water elements coming together
Again I say, how can anyone deny Your creation?

The strangest animals that comes to mind
Must be the Australian Platypus and the Elephant
The platypus which has beak, fir, lays eggs and warm blooded
Is truly the left overs and put here to confound us.

This shows me You have humour and all jesting aside
Thank you Dear Father, that Jesus came for me to die
Thank you for my eyes, ears, nose, mouth and hands
That I can see, hear, smell, taste, feel and understand.

© Amanda Martin-Shaver


Jesus, you pick me up when I am down
replace my face with a smile when it has a frown
You encourage and believe in me, when I have none
and wait and watch me until I am done

You love me unconditionally even though I have conditions
You show me how to love others and see past their faults
Tell me to love the sinner and not focus on the sin
You will deal in this area, it is not mine to win

You tell me that honey will catch bees better than vinegar
kind thoughts should be in my heart to be a winner
That patience comes to those who will wait
Another fine message, if I want to get past the gate

Well Jesus, I am glad that you say I am not done
I would be discouraged for the things unwon
I would look over all my faults and failings
it is by grace that I live with you daily

The love I feel for You comes quite free
I am glad that this is something I can do on my own
and the little bit of faith that each one of us has
only has to be as big as a mustard seed

Thank you Jesus, that you are here with me
that You love me so much unconditionally
remind me to keep my eyes on You and not on me
there are others who need prayers and encouragement

Lord I have hope and lots of it, it would seem
I have stayed with you, when it has been hard going
my hope is for the future that soon I will be
with you at home in my place for eternity

© Amanda Martin-Shaver

Net Buddies
Hello there, my friends on the net
Even though many of you, I have not personally met
We share and chat on a regular basis
What does it matter, we do not see each others faces?

You are there for me to brighten my day
and I hope it is for you, the same way
We have not known each other for years and years
You have listened and emphisized and made it easier to bear

It is funny in a strange kind of way
How you and I got to meet from so far away
That telephone wires criss cross under the sea
Bringing back and forth messages from miles to me

We sit in front of a little coloured screen
Typing away madly, to a stranger it would seem
As if we have lost all focus on reality
I disagree with their statements, emphatically

It is because we sit glued to the screen
We share news, views and happenings
We have the time to give each other attention
While with others we hardly rate a mention!

Now if people in real time could be as kind
This world would be a much brighter place
Instead, everyone scurries to and fro
No wonder it is called the Rat Race

So I thank you dear Net Friends from near and far
Your presence on air is very reassuring
I come on each day and see your name up on screen
Even if we do not chat today I know you are there.

© Amanda Martin-Shaver


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