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Re: Share Your Business Here
2/12/2009 6:52:47 AM
Hi again and sorry to intrude once more but I do not want you to miss out on this one. WE BOTH WIN, SO LET'S HELP EACH OTHER, IT COSTS NOTHING! THIS IS NOW WITH SOME URGENCY! Membership of 100,000 has been reached so the free share amount has changed!!! Do you want FREE shares! If so then PLEASE don’t wait. Do it now or lose out! Your Free shares: At the moment you get 250 totally FREE shares, So please get in quick. You just as well have them as not, don’t you? But hurry, they will not stay free for long! Shares are always a gamble, but these are FREE and to me, this looks good so check it out for yourself – you have nothing to lose and everything to gain PLUS: At the moment you will still get 500 free shares for every sign-up introduced by yourself and they will also each receive 250 totally free shares! All that you have to do is register to receive your shares at: It will cost you absolutely nothing, so what have you got to lose? Then you can be generous and give away 250 free shares to all of your contacts and in so doing you will receive a further 500 free shares for each person that registers for theirs. This is totally free, so what are you waiting for, sign up quick before the offer ends. You have absolutely nothing to lose. Please look at our site: - Recommending your friends, family, work colleagues and even complete strangers is a great way to earn bonus shares. At the moment we are giving you 500 bonus shares for EVERYONE who you recommend using the link given above, but this cannot go on indefinitely, so please take my advice and get in now. Please Look: This is a real world value of GBP £0.50 per sign-up today: but by 2012, we are forecasting these to be worth GBP £1740! So imagine receiving GBP £290 for each and every new member you find! Plus EVERYONE you recommend today will receive 250 shares for registering here for FREE. Simple... go to NOW! Check out the projected share value for the future, please read on:- More than 51,000 people have become members. They paid nothing and yet, they became shareholders. Fast-forward to December 2009 when we have a wonderful website and more than 5,000,000 happy members. Membership was free and they all became shareholders. They became excited and told even more people about this new concept in Web 2.0. With so many people in one place, business advertisers arrive and contribute up to GBP £149m (USD $224m) in fees during 2010. THE RESULT? By December 2009, this company will be worth in the region of GBP £400m (USD $600m), making your shares worth an estimated £0.021 each... Oh yes, please remember that we own shares too. In fact we all have a vested interest in this becoming successful. TO THE SCEPTICS Yes me2everyone is free. There's no "sting in the tail" and zero catch. Our members become shareholders. They become excited. They recommend. We grow. We attract more money from Business members. We make money for everyone. Including ourselves. We are different. This is for the good of all. For you, me and everyone. What will your shares be worth? All shares will be paid for by us (or our partners) and so you can relax, knowing you never have to pay a single penny for your membership. In 2009 we will open an in-world "trading room" where you can offer your shares for sale to other members. Today they may be worth just their face value £0.001 each.... Tomorrow that value could soar! All we need are members who become involved: we will take care of the rest. Our aim is to seek a stock market listing in 2012/13 and to create an income stream from business members who are given a new way of reaching customers. How much do we expect our shares to be worth in the future? Based on financial projections from inworld sales, business members and connected business activity and investment we are aiming for a share price of £0.58 by 2012/13. We have innovative marketing solutions that will protect your privacy but also allow you to control how advertisers and business members interact with you. In fact you also become part of their sales solution! Don’t miss out! Join now – IT IS FREE!!! By the way, the Dollar77 biz is back up and running again as they had to upgrade everything due to the huge interest that was showed, so please don’t wait and miss out, here is the link again, Yours, Tony. #1 The Best Marketing Plan! One of the Lowest "ONE TIME COST ON THE NET" Let us Prove Our System Works! JOIN NOW FOR ONLY $1.77!
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Re: Share Your Business Here
2/12/2009 9:50:42 AM

Read This Carefully...

This just might be the most important thing you read all year.

Despite the economic meltdown that is happening around
the world (and maybe even because of it) the work from home
industry is BOOMING right now.

You are positioned perfectly to get the latest information about what’s working today for real people to create real cash flow from home.


2009 is Going to be the Year to Get Started. We have Redesigned and what we have done for you in this New Year is nothing short of extraordinary.


More Cash!!!

More Help!!!

More- More- More

Don't get left behind...

The Time is now and I am going to be your guide to success!

Sherry Dossey

Create your own Success Story Skype ID: sherry.dossey call anytime 863-858-1881God Bless,Sherry
Tonight's lottery - $48M - Why bother - when you can have a SURE THING!!
2/21/2009 12:20:40 PM

I have to tell everyone who reads this that when I looked at this a week ago I actually felt physically sick with excitement when I realised

  1. What the scope of it was
  2. How affordable it is for EVERYONE
  3. What it could do to change not just MY life, but the lives of everyone around me

If you are serious about making money - look at this.  The program cleverly "eliminates" those not qualified to do it.  But if you get read the first few pages, you WILL want to jump into this with both feet. Do yourself and your family a favour!  Do it for charity if you don't need the money!!


Large companies have for centuries had easy access to capital through banks, insurance cartels and stock markets but ordinary people were left to fend for themselves. With the economy facing the worst slump since World War II, a select group of people are once again raising capital for their own use by means of the original and powerful Private Millionaire System. Wealth and freedom await those who join us! It is hard to imagine a time in our history when more people needed what is offered by this system today!

If you are capable of following a simple set of directions, you will learn the principles that will help you build wealth.  As I read it though I kept looking for the trick, the bit that I would get to and think “I cannot do that” but I never found it.  This is something you can do, if you just follow the “yellow brick road” which is quite literally paved in gold!

Get started to-day and join the thousands who are flooding into this every day and helping to spread the wealth around just a few dollars at a time!

Re: Share Your Business Here
2/26/2009 7:23:01 AM

Hi there,

A cycler is coming that is blowing you away!!

Launch Date Thursday 26th at 4 PM Est (New York Time)

I want you to take a few minutes today and read this
VERY carefully.

First get positioned for in a new cycler coming called 2x2ProsperityFormula

I want you to get signed up to this fast and now...

This is a remarkable new site that is coming to you
very soon called 2X2ProsperityFormula

Let me explain

There will be a downline builder in the members area
that will let you put up your own programs, I think
they said ten of them. (don
't hold me to that number
but I think there will be ten spots for your own

So the leads you get with your cycler level will be
exposed first to the cycler.

The leads will be no more than a week old and you
can download to use them yourself.

You want to be signed up right now to My Pre Builder
You can do that here

Your leads will help you get new recruits for My Pre builder when it launches.

And it will help you get leads for your own programs.

The cycler

There will be four levels of entry into the cycler
I want you to know what they are now so you
can do some pre planning about where you want
to go with this

Levels and cost and how it works

Bronze one time 75.00 ( you get 500 leads)
Silver one time 150.00 (You get 1000 leads)
Gold one time 300.00 (You get 2000 leads)
Platinum one time 600.00 ( You get 4000 leads)

Now watch out very carefully!

My Pre Builder is going to pay your way into
every level above bronze so if you only want
to join at bronze for the 75.00 that is just fine

Here is how that will work.

Every time you cycle 15 times, My Pre builder is
going to upgrade your account to the next level
So once cycle 15 times, you will automatically
become a silver member and get 1000 new leads
And once you cycle as a silver member 15 times,
you will get your way paid into a Gold membership
by My Pre Builder and so on.

So you can become part of this cycler for 75.00
bucks and over time become a platinum member
without paying another thing.

And then there is the moola you pocket.

Oh, and by the way, every time you cycle at the
bronze level you will get paid 125.00 so this is
a no brainer. When this launches make sure you
become a bronze member at the very least.

My Upline did some theoretical tests on how long it
takes to cycle 15 times. He used a model of
2000 paid members which is more than realistic
for a site like this.
He cycled 30 times in 48 hours which gives you
some idea of the potential power of this cycler

The reason for the power is that each matrix is small
2 by 2. This means that once you get 6 people under
you, you cycle and pocket 125 bucks. You do that
15 times and not only do you have 1875 bucks in
your pocket, but you get your way paid up to the next
level. That means more leads and more money each
time you cycle at that next level.

Now here is the interesting part and I want you to listen
very carefully to this.

For those of you who can afford this, come join me
It is going to be a heck of a ride but...

For those of you who want to go easy and come in
at the levels that will cycle fastest, join at the bronze
or silver membership levels or if you can swing it join
both and you will be in the two fastest cycling pots
right from the get go.

At each membership level, when you cycle, you will
get paid twice the amount of money that you get at
the previous level so

If you are bronze you will get 125 every time you cycle
You will get 250 at silver
you will get 500 at gold
You will get 1000 at platinum

That's a lot of fungolas even if you only cycle once
at each level.

Get the picture?
There is a lot of bucks to be made here and I wanted
you to understand where you are going with this

So let's recap

First you want to get signed up under me and when
this thing launches you will want to upgrade under

So if you are part of my team you are going to get
my full effort on this one.

Sign up here

Think about what you want to do with your upgrade
All of you should upgrade to the 75.00 bronze level
the minute this thing launches so you start your cycling
right away and get your leads working for you right

If you can swing it take a silver position as well and,
if you can afford to go higher, than plan that in now.

I really like this site.

I hope I didn\'t give you information overload today
but I wanted you to know where we are headed with

This one will be a wild ride so make sure you
are on my team right now

Thanks for joining up!


Skype: Kecofa

PS. Also don't forget to attend one of the Webinars who are Awesome!

 You can reclaim your affiliate link here


Gotta have a DREAMGotta have a WHY
Feb. 27---- We Go Live!
2/26/2009 4:23:46 PM

Recently I found a new program, or service, that not only targets the internets huge social networking community, but will also be accessible to the ever-growing cell phone industry.  These are two massive markets with hundreds of millions of users.

This new application is available on Feb 27, 2009 and is called chat to text.

Users will be able to send and receive text messages back and forth between cell phones and computers.   For this purpose, messages will be converted to (sms) short message service.  It will also work with facebook, and very soon many other networks such as myspace and bebo. In other words they will be bringing texting and the internet together. 

One can use their stand alone site or use other sites such as facebook and myspace. You do not need an internet capable cell phone for this service.  The cost for this unique application is only $6.00 but they offer up a marketing plan which can produce some good returns for users which can cover that small fee.
I've joined at to use the application and to test the waters.  So far I'm more than impressed with the sign-up notifications and the free tracking software provided.  Very user friendly.

This is a real application for the internet and there are no limits as to how far and how fast they will grow.
If you have interests around this service you could also do very well with their reseller program. There are no restrictions as to the amount of sign-ups and add to that the possibilites of an ever expanding nine levels of payouts for members, then I believe that the founders have developed a winner.  Alexa rankings over the last 2 weeks show this company is fast on it's way to the top. 

According to it's founders, Shawn Pringle and Scott Messina, "chat to text" is the only application of it's kind in the world.  I've done some  thorough researching on the internet and I can not find anything that has the capabilities of their new tool and service.  I'm going to give this a bit of my time and attention and try out their new application.  So far, I like what I see.

Brian Johnson


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