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Re: Share Your Business Here
6/21/2008 5:20:38 AM
Hi Dave, I recognize the feeling of frustration.....I haven't been doing this as long as you do, but at the start I also couldn't understand why people didn't answer my emails. I also followed everything the "experts" said, listened to calls, attended training calls etc etc, but not much action happening, what did I do wrong?? However, I kept doing my thing, I kept trying to learn about the marketing side, but most of all, I learned to be more patient. And I can truly see some nice results coming my way. I'm in this business for about a year now, and no, I am not making that 6 figure income yet, but I do have sign ups, I do get commissions, and slowly my business is developping into something I could only have dreamed about! What am I doing different now? I guess I'm just trying to be more positive now, not getting "depressed" for days if someone didn't answer or just not signed up or signed up and canceled within a month, I am focussing all my time and efforts now on the 1 or 2 persons who do sign up or show interest. I'm no longer "pushing" my business, trying to talk people into signing up, but I'm just trying to connect and see what I can do for the other person. If nothing, sorry for them, then I move on. Don't get me wrong, it is not that now suddenly everyone replies to my emails, by no means do I see myself as an experienced marketer, I still have a very long way to go myself, but I just wanted to share this with you. I am starting to see results, and I see this business now as something that will develop overtime, and not as some "get rich quick" business. Feel free to send me a message if you want to talk a little more about this! I'm happy to share some links (free!) with you of sites that helped me change my views. I do wish you much success too!!! Have a wonderful weekend! Astrid
Re: Share Your Business Here
6/21/2008 5:58:48 AM
Hello Robert and everyone that comes around, thank you very much Robert for give us the opportunity to post something here. My name is Daniel Cajiga, I have been surfing the internet since about 1995, the first time I tried to make business online was at 2000 year, that time even Mike Filsame was beginning his business, by the time being I have learned a lot of stuff about making businesses online and I´m trying to put all together at my membership site to share with everyone.

There you can find stuff about Website Building, Traffic Generation, List Building, Copywriting, SEO and any other Online Businesses related topics that I can find useful, so you can join at the free level that has 47 how to videos for internet marketing newbies 3 social network ones and 6 list building ones.

I hope this to be useful for as many people as possible, so go and join now at the level you think that is best for your needs.

See you inside.

Best Regards,

Daniel Cajiga
Integrate a Home Based Internet Business From Scratch or Enhance Your Existing One With Us. / Click Here To Give, It´s Free:
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Re: Share Your Business Here
6/21/2008 6:14:19 AM

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Re: Share Your Business Here
6/21/2008 7:54:31 AM
Thank you Phillip.

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Re: Share Your Business Here
6/21/2008 8:05:50 AM
One World United

What is One World United?
- We are a Discount Buying group..... members get discounts when they shop at participating merchants both online and offline.

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Again - Our membership card is a MasterCard Debit Card.

How is this a business opportunity? We are growing our membership base through word of mouth network marketing.... legal and approved for all of N. America with plans for global expansion.

Associates can participate in growing our merchant accounts (thus increasing the number of merchants who honor the card and give members a discount), as well as by developing a team of members. Associates can earn from 12 income streams, and more coming!

Where can one shop for discounts now? We already have an increasing number of merchants offline, plus we have an online shopping mall of over 700 stores. More discounts coming! (including a membership Travel Discount package, to be launched in summer of 2008)

Is there a cost? Of course, how can money be earned if there is no cost?

The membership card has an annual fee of $125.00.
Typical banking fees are charged for card use.... but you'll save way more than that when you shop at participating merchants.

No interest costs are charged as the card must be loaded (from your bank) with your own money.

Anyone wanting to develop a business to grow memberships has two options.
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    Membership means a Great Deal of new friends and contacts as you grow your business.

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