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Finally Create Your Own Affiliate Ebook In Seconds!
4/23/2008 4:59:40 AM


You know by now how important viral marketing
is and the money that can be made from it.

I have a special gift for you today and this one is
going to blow you away.

I’m about to hand you all the tools you need to quickly
create (and I'm talking pushbutton) your very own
branded ebooks stuffed with your own cash producing
affiliate links

This is the most powerful viral marketing tool you'll
find online and it's yours...For *Free*

With Viral Ebook Explosion you are handed professionally
created ebooks to brand - and all you have to do is simply
fill in your affiliate links and press a button.

It’s as simple as that!

Here's just a small fraction of what you'll be able to do
with your own Viral Ebooks:

==> Generate easy-cash when people click your affiliate
links and purchase.

==> Upload your branded ebooks into free-ebook
directories and have them distributed all over the web
with your affiliate links.

==> Build a name in the InternetMarketing community
by participating in giveaways with your branded ebooks.

==> Give out your branded ebooks for *free to build your
own enormous list.

==> Sell these professionally created high quality ebooks
for 100%-profit.

==> Use the ebooks as bonuses to give to your customers
and profit like mad on the back end.

And we have barely scratched the surface!

You really have to see this unique system to believe it:

Sign up now to gain instant (And-FREE) access to
the Viral Ebook Explosion member’s area and start
making your own profitable viral branded ebooks
in seconds...

This could be one of the coolest sites that I have
seen launch in a long time

To your success,

K. Khor

P.S. I would suggest you head over there right now
so you don’t miss out because these available spots
are going fast.


Flag of Robert Cannon

Flag of 35 Posts
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Don't Give Up Yet
4/23/2008 8:14:06 PM

All I can tell you about this program is that is the most simple way to make money on the internet. Don't continue to loose money marketing join us today and start earning the money you deserve. We can guarentee it.


Dear friend,

As a valued subscriber, I wanted to let you in on a
great opportunity available to you at:

New members get placed under you from existing members...

And, you start earning from there very first one :-)

Plus, here's what else you get:

* Your very own website setup!
* Pre-written ezine-in-a-box!
* Instant Daily Cash Bonuses & Two Automated residual income sources!
* Step-by-step marketing instructions to make quick cash!
* FREE lifetime support and training from "real live" people!
* And so much more...

Get all the exciting details at:

Whatever you do don't miss this revelutionary Internet opportunity

Check it out today at:

To Your Success!

Bob Cannon, The Streamline Tycoon

P.S.  If you ever have questions please call me direct at 1-270-234-1753

Robert Cannon
Re: Share Your Business Here
4/24/2008 2:19:31 PM
Hi, We all know that gas prices are continually on the rise. Predicted by june that it will be $4 a gallon or more. That can be frustrating. But I would like to welcome everyone to Free Gas At Last. Free gas is helping families save on their spending for gas & providing an income all at the same time. How much better can it be? There are no monthly Fee's . Join Us Now.
Flag of Robert Phillips

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Person Of The Week
Re: Share Your Business Here
4/27/2008 12:37:30 AM
Stop Buying Leads. Create Endless Leads For Free.

Are you tired of not getting the results you want in your business? Tired of prospecting until you are blue in the face only to be left with an empty wallet?

What if I told you that there is a way for you to actually attract an endless stream of new distributors and customers directly to you with credit card in hand ready to join, and actually get paid from all the people who say "no" to your opportunity?

Would that peak your interest?

Well I'm here to tell you that the days of old school MLM tactics are dead. You can now learn to be the hunted instead of the hunter and have prospects chasing you down like you were fishing for them with one hundred dollar bills.

The fact is that you don't have to chase prospects, bug your family and friends, post fliers, hold hotel meetings, and spend way more money than you make.

There's a way for you to actually get paid to generate endless amounts of leads and actually have those leads ask you to join your business.

Stop spending more than you're making and start getting paid to prospect.

The best part of all of this is that you can learn all of these techniques now for free in this Boot Camp series. Http://

Become the hunted instead of the hunter and get paid to prospect!

Re: Share Your Business Here
4/27/2008 8:55:35 AM

Hi to all my friends here.

In the past I have received requests from many of you I now am asking you to take a look at this free way to advertise and make money. Its very simple with NO OUT OF POCKET MONEY ... Its worth a look

Thank you


Marida Sapichino here... You have got to see this - WOW!

I found this new FULL INTERNET UPGRADE technology that is about to upgrade THE ENTIRE INTERNET to Web 2.0 standards and IT'S FREE! FULL Social Networking functionality on EVERY WEBSITE on the internet with a click of a button.

This is going to change the entire Internet OVERNIGHT.

Plus, they are giving away ONE MILLION DOLLARS to spread the word about it - and you can get a share for helping - NO COST!

Check it out at:

Let me know what you think or if you have any questions.

Marida Sapichino


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