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Re: Share Your Business Here
2/21/2007 9:21:44 PM

Thanks Robert.


Enagic. ”Change Your Water, Change Your Life.”


To whom it may concern,


I would like to introduce you to a 32 year old company out of Japan called Enagic. Enagic has been changing people’s lives and helping them live longer, happier, more fulfilled lives since its inception.


Enagic was founded on the idea that alkalizing people’s bodies is the way to not only cure a person of disease, but to prevent that disease from ever re occurring ever again. The premise behind Enagic is that disease cannot thrive/live in an alkaline environment but will thrive/live in an acidic environment. People’s lives have been literally reversed when they were deemed “terminal” with cancer and started using Kangen water. This is powerful and I will give you a couple of websites to visit so you can see for yourself. People are also coming off of their medications simply by drinking Kangen water on a daily basis which allows the body to become alkaline and in turn, gives the body a chance to fight disease since disease cannot thrive/live in an alkaline environment but will thrive/live in an acidic environment.


The water we drink weather it be tap, bottled or otherwise is dead, lifeless and unhealthy. Incidentally, bottled water that we think is healthy is WORSE than tap water. I had doubt when I heard this but when I did the test on these waters, I was shocked.


At Enagic, as you can see above, we have a mission statement that goes simply like this…”Change Your Water, Change Your Life.” The more research we do, the more clearly and evident it is that this is very true.


We have a very good business model here at Enagic. The best I have ever come across .If you choose to be a distributor after you purchase a machine, (totally optional) you are automatically qualified as a distributor. You have no quotas to meet or any hoops to go through. All we ask of you is that you spread the word far and wide so we can get this in everybody’s hands. You don’t even have to sell this yourself (directly) to earn a substantial income. The “group effort” is what makes our plan so powerful. I will give you a website below that explains the business plan.


Enagic is in multiple countries. We are privately held and debt-free. We are also recognized by the Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare (equal to the FDA in the United States) as a medical device. No other water machine that we know of carries that label. We have annual sales in excess of 225 million dollars.


It is my opinion as well as my colleagues that Enagic has no competitors. I do know there is an abundance of water filtration systems out on the market but nobody has created a device like this one. They don’t even come close. The reasoning behind this is that all water filtration systems do filter a said amount of impurities from our drinking water. But no water machine out on the market alkalizes water to the extent that we do. Even our ORP (Oxidation Reduction Potential) is of the highest standards which allow our water to hold the title of “Kangen” (return to origin) water. Plus we hold a 5 year warranty and a 30 day unconditional money back guarantee.


I will provide you with a couple of websites to go to and do your research. Please take your time and watch all of the videos, especially the colon video. I appreciate you taking the time for consideration of this device in your home as well as through out our community.


With Regards,

Alexander Lodi

Business Consultant

864-684-1008 (Watch Videos) (Business Opportunity)





Wishing You Life's Best, Alexander Lodi 845.590.2637
Re: Share Your Business Here
2/21/2007 9:34:23 PM
I hope you get this… I'm in an MLM support group where we'll help anyone from any company make their way through the MLM minefield, and we'll do it for free. All of us are in MLM companies (not the same one), but things change a lot in this industry. Someday we may all be working together one way or another. Meantime, we can still help each other, and we can do that in different companies. I hope you’ve learned by now that telling people about your company or product too soon doesn’t work very well, and can get you a LOT of frustration. Don’t feel bad; most people do it that way and almost all of them fail. It’s about time to do something different that works and helps you build your MLM business, don’t you think? I’d like you to try something. It’s free and only takes a little bit of your time. If it doesn’t work, you’ve got nothing to lose, but I think it will help you in your business, starting right now. Read the MLM self-help book called “Success In 10 Steps”. You can use it for yourself, and pass it on to your downline--- it doesn’t cost you anything, and I make NO money off of it. Try it. You might like it. If you don’t, you can always go back to the way you were doing. Your friend in Texas, Kaleem
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Re: Share Your Business Here
2/21/2007 10:45:22 PM

Hi Robert,

Products, Services, & Affiliate Earnings ItsYourNet, LLC offers you products and services at below market value pricing, without sacrificing quality or support, yet still pay monthly earnings to our Affiliates. We believe that the Internet and products associated with it should be affordable and accessible to everyone, that's why we do not subscribe to just companies making money, or just companies pocketing all the profits from sales. This method of thinking is further reflected by the fact that we do not compete with our Affiliates. Anyone who arrives at any of our many Web sites and Internet properties that wish to join our Free Affiliate Program are provided with an existing Affiliate member's Web site selected randomly to get registered at. That's right, we send our Corporate Affiliate signups back to our Affiliates. Our goal is to put the power of the Internet back into the hands of all who connect to it and provide avenues to make the Internet a pleasant experience for everyone. This is part of the reason we created our Free Affiliate Program. By adopting the marketing ability of Affiliate word of mouth, we place most of ItsYourNet's advertising budget back into the hands of our Affiliate members to make it possible for others to easily make money with a home base business. Go to this site and you will find the list of products and services ItsYourNet has to offer you, and also how much we pay our Free Affiliate members back every month on the sales of our products and services they make. Great prices on hosting Click on the link below


Thank You!

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Re: Share Your Business Here
2/22/2007 12:01:34 AM
Hi Robert, Thanks for letting people post their businesses here. ======================= WOW! WHAT PROGRAM IS SWEEPING ADLAND? WHAT PROGRAM HAS GOTTEN MORE ADLANDER'S TO JOIN IT THAN ANY OTHER I KNOW OF? WHY HAVE 17 (or more) ADLANDERS JOINED THIS PROGRAM SINCE JAN? BECAUSE WE KNOW IT IS AN EASY, SIMPLE AND GREAT WAY TO EARN MONEY! Sure, nearly everyone in Adland had a program to promote when they joined Adland. Only lets fact the facts! Over 45% of all active/successful mlm distributors were working more than one program at the SAME time BEFORE the internet made it so much easier to do. So why not join a simple, time proven two level program which is the fastest way for MOST people to be earning money than any other program I have seen in OVER 40 years of mlm experience? As there are hardly any good reasons not to is why so many Adlander's are joining us in LOTTO MAGIC! "Yep, Lotto Magic IS MAGIC!" The more I know about it, the better I think it is! This Grumpy Old Son Of A Beach says, for a simple, easy and low time taking, proven 11 year old program which is a better way to earn money than any mlm, click below: --- --- Please, Take Care! Neil "Nearly Every Person Does Network Marketing Every Single Day, They Just Do Not get Paid For It."
This Grumpy Old Son Of A Beach says: For a simple, inexpensive, and great tasting, way to earn money, click here: ----------------------- -------------------- And for a progam which is better than most mlm's I know of
Flag of Neil Reinhardt

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Re: Share Your Business Here
2/22/2007 12:08:27 AM
Oh oh, I made a Boo Boo! my typo says: "Only lets fact the facts!" and it SHOULD BE: "Only lets face the facts!" SORRY! neil
This Grumpy Old Son Of A Beach says: For a simple, inexpensive, and great tasting, way to earn money, click here: ----------------------- -------------------- And for a progam which is better than most mlm's I know of

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