Hey Roger and Kathy,
Roger, thank you for inviting me here. I agree completly with Kathy.
We CHOOSE to be happy - and if we find ourselves making the wrong choices, we can CHOOSE AGAIN in any moment.
Yes, The Secret movie - http://TheSecret.tv - is a life-changing movie about Law of Attraction.
Law of Attraction is the most powerful Law in the Universe and simply means that you get what you think about... whether you understand it or want it or not. Law of Attraction does not judge what you are thinking, but only responds by giving it to you.
To add to Kathy's examples, have you noticed that people who speak often of being sick continue to get sick. Have you ever heard someone say "I always get the flu in October?" And they do.
Have you ever noticed people who say "I never get sick" - don't.
CHOOSE to be well.
CHOOSE to be wealthy. Wealthy means more than money, too.
So, you can learn to deliberately create what you want in your life by choosing what you think.
Understanding this and other spiritual and universal principles is life changing.
When I first learned of the Law of Attraction many years ago, it felt like I had found everything I had been seeking - my direct connection to God, Spirit, the Universe.
Law of Attraction is always reflecting back to you what it is that you are thinking or "vibrating" and you can choose to deliberately create your life as you want it to be by simply putting into action the following 3 steps:
1. Identify what you want and ASK for it
2. The Universe/God/Spirit ANSWERS (not your work)
3. RECEIVE (allow and be grateful AS IF you have already received what you want)
The Secret and some of the Secret Teachers were recently featured on Oprah, Larry King Live, Ellen and Jack Canfield is soon to be featured on the Montel show.
Thanks to David Gordon who posted the videos for all 3 of the Oprah shows featuring The Secret, you can watch the shows through the links posted on my blog here:
I believe the most powerful way to raise your vibrations to attract what you want in your life is to practice Gratitude.
As Kathy has said, when we are grateful for what we have NOW, it expands and we are able to attract to us more of what we want.
I love sharing Law of Attraction. You can learn more at my forum Spiritual Entrepreneur and at my blog above.
I just started a new lens at Squidoo on Law of Attraction too:
If you want to learn more about marketing with spiritual principles I have a free e-course at http://MarketFromSpirit.com
Kathy, thank you for this forum to discuss Law of Attraction.
Many blessings.