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Pauline Raina

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2/18/2007 7:34:27 AM




Paul Harvey tells a modern parable about a religious skeptic who worked as a farmer. One cold  winter night the man heard an irregular thumping sound against the kitchen storm door. He went to a window and watched as tiny, shivering sparrows, attracted to the evident warmth inside, beat in vain against the glass.

Touched, the farmer bundled up and trudged through fresh snow to open the barn door for the struggling birds. He turned on the lights and tossed some hay in a corner. But the sparrows, which had scattered in all directions when he emerged from the house, hid in the darkness afraid.

The man tried various tactics to get them into the barn. He laid down a trail of bread crumbs to direct them. He tried circling behind the birds to drive them towards the barn. Nothing worked. He, a huge alien creature, had terrified them; the birds could'nt comprehend  that he actually desired to help them.

The farmer withdrew to the house and watched the doomed  sparrows through the window, as he stared, a thought hit him like lightning from a clear blue sky; if I could only become a bird-one of them- just for a moment. I wouldn't frighten them so..then I could show them the way to warmth and safety.

At that  same moment, another thought dawned on him. He had grasped the reason JESUS was born.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

Today we are going to look at the person JESUS, we now know why he had to come to this earth and be one of us even though being who he was, he could have come in all splendour and show. BUT he came instead as he did. I suggest you read the recommended scripture in order to follow correctly.

Jesus lowly birth....was to fullfill prophecy that he would be born of the line of David. Mathew 1:1-16

His child hood was very normal, and he probably helped his earthly father Joseph at carpentry.

Upon attaining manhood im sure Mary and Joseph fullfilled all the traditions of that day and age ... Luke2:21-39

Jesus starts out his mission early, at the age of 12 in the temple.  Luke2:49

We dont know what God looks likes as a man, but in Mark we get a picture of His humanity, Jesus who claimed to be God did not have a 'supernatural' glow about him. When we read thru Mark we see the power behind the man Jesus in the simplest of forms, he heals the blind with a simple touch Mark8:25 and the authority of a teacher so captivating that people sat 3 days straight, with empty stomachs, just to hear him [chap8:2] then we see an emotional Jesus in  chap1:41 then a deep sigh in response to  nagging pharasees[8:12] a look of distress at cold hearted legalists[3:5] and finally an awfull cry from the Cross"My God my God why has't thou forsaken me?" [15:34]

Jesus was sometimes witty and he sometimes cried. He got tired; five times Mark records, he sought a quiet place to rest away from the crowds.

Jesus was like no other person who ever lived. He was fully like one of us. He needed food and friends, He got lonely and tired. He showed anger and disappointment. Jesus experienced all we experience as human beings, he can understand us completely and share in our joys and sorrows.

He lived, died, and rose again to complete the perfect plan of God  for our salvation.

Friends if you have read the parts of the scriptures given here I want to end with a question for you.

What does JESUS  mean to you and why ?

Pray you are blessed as I was blessed putting this together.

Grace n Peace be yours all thru the coming week and always

Till next time

Pauline R

< /p>

Sharon Lee

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2/18/2007 8:08:03 AM

This is truly wonderful Pauline.

To me, Jesus Was a person like You and I. But gifted from God to show us a honest way of living. He comforted all people, No matter who and what they were.

Anger and Disappiontment are a part of Gods plan for us. We must feel these pains along with many others including death and salvation, tears and joy. Jesus shows us to stand strong with everyone in need. To show compassion when needed to another. To share in all emotions freely and willing. Jesus does understand us completely and shares in our Joys and Sorrows.

I Love your writing Pauline. It is well put and I enjoyed reading this very much.

Also to you,,, Pray you are blessed as I was blessed by reading your study today.

Grace and Peace be Yours all through these coming days.

Peace Always,,Sharon

2/18/2007 8:11:21 AM

Hi Pauline!

This was a nice metaphor.He had to be one of us, to identify with us.He had time to care for people´s needs, but sometimes He needed to be alone in prayer, as we need to.When we pray, we shall pray in accordance to the will of God.We shall pray that His will shall be done, that His Kingdom shall come, and that includes His Kingdom for a thousand years on earth too.

Thank you!


Mattias Kroon Affiliate Creative Marketer
Judy Smith

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2/18/2007 8:21:02 AM

Hello My Friend,

Wow, you must have been so blessed putting this forum together!  A wonderful topic it is, My Friend!

 God sent his Son to us so that he could experience humanity.  More than that, Jesus set the path for us to follow so that we can live with Him and His Father in eternity.

Your statement "He lived, died, and rose again to complete the perfect plan of God  for our salvation. " says it all.  I remind myself every day that I was made in the image of my Almighty Father.  I follow the lead that His Son set for us.  When a falter - and yes I do - I know that my sins are forgvien due to the pain and suffering of Jesus.  "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do".

This was a great place to start my Sunday morning - and now I am off to Church!  I will return!

God bless you, Pauline.  And, I know He will.


Pauline Raina

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2/18/2007 9:33:19 AM

Dear Sharon,

Thank you for the kind words of appreciation.

Im so glad that you were blessed by this study.

have a wonderful sunday, and wish you well for the week ahead.

much luv

Pauline R
