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New job!
2/17/2007 3:30:56 PM
I began a new job last November and I am STILL in a training program! It is fairly complicated and is something I have never done before, but I certainly thought I could be working on my own by the middle of February! Do any of you have any advice about how to move the process along?
Re: New job!
2/17/2007 5:05:50 PM
Ans to ltr. What kind of a job? Have you considered research a subject and writing and seling short reports on it? Patent searches are not just for patent application. They can be used as a source for finding ideas for articles or reports, researching the development of a product or just fun. Follow these detailed steps and your patent searches won’t cost you anything but your time. What’s your hobby? Fishing? Look for old design patents on lures or patents on fishing rods etc. How about cars. Look up patents on engines, pistons, etc or design patents on wheels. If you like to garden you can find plant patents. Write a short report and sell it. You can find free info on how to get free patent searches at
Re: New job!
2/17/2007 6:40:39 PM

My Beloved and Respected Friend Glenda .....!

First of all......a BIG "CONGRATULATIONS" on your new job.

As our Respected Friend Dave Luther advised....if you need any feed back on Dubai, United Arab Emirates (including all the 7 Emirates), kindly let me know so that I can feed you more informations on the Whole of United Arab Emirates (which included their life style, culture, tredition, the latest news, etc.).....and the neighbouring countries like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, Bahrain, Muscat, Kuwait, etc. which may be, sometimes, helpful to you to finish your Project Successfully.  Ofcourse, this will be an additional feature and something "different in style". 

Kindly let me have your "Valuable Suggestions, Approvals, Views, Comments, etc. on this.

With lots of Love, Affection, Respect and Prayers......!

Your Ever Loving Friend,

Mohamed Gani.


Re: New job!
2/17/2007 7:34:17 PM
Very interesting idea; I'll check this out.  Is this patent search and writing something you do?  I have worked in offices in many different settings over the years, and this new job of mine is similar in many ways to what I've done all my life, but it is very different in others.  It is a clerical job in the criminal justice field and I have a lot to learn!  I hope that by being organized and staying focused I will soon be able to perform the job duties well.  I am simply not familiar enough with everything right now to handle it as well as I want to! 
Kathy Hamilton

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Re: New job!
2/17/2007 7:38:57 PM
Hello Glenda,
Yes i know what you need to do, you need to talk to me.I got  to quit my job in july and have been working from home ever since. it is all really about advertising your presence and Marketing your identity, building a solid foundation is a must. give me a call sometime or send me your number I call you.
do not give can work for your self.
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