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Carla Carey

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5/25/2009 6:29:36 AM

[Jesus said], "Then everyone will see the Son of Man arrive on the clouds with power and great glory. So when all these things begin to happen, stand straight and look up, for your salvation is near!"

Luke 21:27-28 NLT

No fear of judgment

What images come to mind when you think of "end times prophecies"?…Most people, if they were honest, would admit that their view of the end times is a frightening one.…They imagine an angry and vengeful God hovering high above it all, bent on destruction and raining terror on all who have rejected him.

Have we missed something? In many ways I think we have. God didn't reveal these graphic images of the coming judgment to express his wrath or even to frighten us into believing. He revealed them to show us his wonderful grace and mercy in the midst of our sin and unworthiness. The story isn't about pending gloom and doom, but it's about a loving Father who will do anything he can to help people escape the consequences of evil.

Bible prophecy isn't intended to frighten us, but it's to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that God is real and omnipotent and active in our lives; to warn us of the very real danger lying ahead for those who reject his love and mercy; and to encourage us to accept his gracious and free offer of salvation through his Son, Jesus.

In his first letter to Timothy, Paul tells us that God "wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth" (2:4).…Time and again in Scripture we are told that God longs for his people to be with him in heaven. The Bible is not a story of wrath and judgment but of unconditional love and redemption. God longs to be with us and wants desperately for us to accept his hand of salvation. What we do is up to us.

Adapted from Embracing Eternity by Tim LaHaye, Jerry Jenkins and Frank M. Martin, Tyndale House Publishers (2004), entry for January 3.


Carla :)

Glad to make your acquaintance! Carla Carey
Roger Macdivitt .

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5/25/2009 10:18:12 AM


What wonderful words.

For somebody like me who was saved by a tough old Baptist minister at a bible camp when I was 11, in fear of retribution by the sword, these would have been soooooo welcome.

I later learned of His love and his promises which outshone all threats, but, at the time it was pure terror and a way to avoid it.

Thank you for reminding everyone of His love for us and our invitation to accept His full redemption.


Kim Stilwell

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5/25/2009 5:42:44 PM
Nice post Carla. I was also saved while going to an old time Southern Baptist church that was very very serious about Salvation, and you don't see that as much today. While I'm not such a fire and brimstone preacher here's a neat story which apparently came from Britain I believe to the US at one time as a powerful life changing message...I can't repeat much of anything very well but in short.... Have you heard this?...About the 2 guys flying on a plane somewhere and they both "put on" the Lord Jesus Christ? One of the guys started feeling some discomfort "wearing" the Lord, who is compared to wearing a parachute. for example when food came, the parachute restricted his free movement some and other various things kept causing him some discomfort so that he began thinking or saying that... "Hey, I've been lied to! I was told that by wearing the Lord I'd have a peaceful and enjoyable "flight," and all I'm getting out of this is discomforts! He kept getting more irritated by the discomforts while the other guy never complained once but actually remained very happy and content even though the parachute caused him the same experience of flight. Eventually the one guy took off the parachute, because it didn't prove to him to increase the comfort or pleasure of the flight. So ofcourse, something goes wrong with the plane and it starts nose diving. Now the guy is in a panic trying to get the parachute back on but is unsuccessful in the little time he had. The moral ofcourse...The guy who kept the parachute on really did not notice any discomfort, because the peace of mind and the security he knew by keeping his on out-weighed any discomfort to the point that he didn't really even notice any. So in this day when so many are preaching more about the comforts and great flight you will have if you wear the Lord Jesus Christ vs. the "real ultimate reason" that people put it on, which is not for a great flight but to avoid ultimate death, is it any wonder that so many put on Christ for the more superficial reasons of a great flight, and then take him off at the first signs of discomfort (the trials and testings of life as a Christian)? The guy was never told the parachute would save his life; he was only told about how it would offer a "great flight." So here's to the old time Baptist Church which was very serious about the wages of sin which are death and about the free gift of Salvation, which is not by works but by Grace. I've had many amazing experiences since the old Baptist church and a much deeper walk with God, but yet I thank God that I was so blessed to hear the kind of truth that roots and grounds your soul in the very simple but yet very serious and powerful truth of which God says...."How shall we escape if we neglect so great a Salvation?" We today are a culture that is all about comfort, pleasure, and worldly prosperity, so that we have adjusted the Gospel to meet the desires of the natural man, and as a result...a loss of Power in the Church! I never forget this message I heard which came across with far more depth of reality and power than I have told it. It holds a great meaning for what is occuring today with the Gospel message and the results of this new Gospel are a weakened Church and weak and ungrounded followers of Christ. It was also mentioned, and I believe this so much...that to the Prideful you preach the Law, which shows man his sin, because this is really what the prideful need in order to snap them to the reality of their spiritual need, but to the poor and hurting, you don't pound them with the Law but you preach Grace, because they are willing and prepared to receive it, and recognize their need. Have you ever noticed that the proud do not respond well to such a great gift because they in their pride do not feel or recognize a need beyond what they have provided themselves? Yet their need is the greatest. Amen.
Carla Carey

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5/25/2009 8:49:04 PM

You are welcome !I get those devotions daily from God's Daily Promises online.
Have a blessed day!
Carla :)


Glad to make your acquaintance! Carla Carey
Carla Carey

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5/25/2009 8:51:16 PM

That's a good story and oh so true ! Also a good comment... glad you liked the post I did copy and paste but thought it worth posting.
Thanks and come again!
Carla :)


Glad to make your acquaintance! Carla Carey

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