How sad Carla, In such heartbreaking cases it can be helpful to know that ofcourse, the baby had physical defects and may also not have been well if it had survived. While I know that many of us don't care; we would rather have our baby anyway, perhaps it's God natural way of not bringing a child into the world this way. God knows; that's for sure in any case, and one comforting thing is that baby goes back to God! It's sort of a personal belief, but I do imagine that when we all come to Jesus atlast in wholeness, we may then see our lost baby there in wholeness also! Baby is in God's hands! This is a comfort. And not to be discouraged about trying for another baby, because again, God chooses who is born into this world, and maybe there were reasons why I'm sure, this time. I've had 3 miscarriages; nothing as heard as this though by far, and did have 3 more after that. I came to terms with the understandings I stated above over lost babies. Yes, we will ask for the "Comforter" in this case. Kim