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Kathy Hamilton

13886 Posts
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Person Of The Week
2/14/2007 12:22:22 PM
Hello my friends,

Ok, in Aaron Martirano and myself Kathy Hamilton our program is "ITS YOUR NET"
We now have about 130 people and growing each day. we have all been busy.
We are an amazing team.

Here is also along with the 3D im pushing here is another way if you are our team member you get to advertise. there are so many ways to benefit and earn alot of income.

Folks, Aaron and I are putting are names and reputations on the line here.we will not let you fail, if you advertise your link I come in and do the rest of the work.We can do this all of us. This is huge. We have  studied this. it all is working for us. come on how many people can say they are earning any kind of income in just aweek, each day Aaron and I watch our act. get credited with real money by the day.
Come and join our team. come and get involved with all we have in our program.

here how you profit by it..
join as an afiliate and invite others to become
free afilaite with you in its your net
introduce them to our free
2-tier afiliate program  our low cost high end
products and show them our 3-D realm
If you ,your direact sales to customers,any of you
affiliates ,or any ot their direct sale customers
purchase products from its your net you earn a monthly residual payment for
 as long as the purchasers account remains in good standing
When it comes to the wireless internet services
your potential to generate earnings goes well beyond anything Imaginable
As a afiliate you are also able to regester existing
ISP and/or Web hosting companies as well as
branded WiFis as well By registering just one
branded WiFi you could you retire from the work force
for ever this could also happen if just one of the afiliates
you refer registers just one branded isp as well
eaning are paid on 2 teirs
There are thousands of ISP and web hosting companies
around the world While many of them have
just a few thousand customers , just as many of
them have customers numbering in to the 100s of
thousands; even millions
We inticipate paying $4.00 dollar per month per WiFi
service as well as $4.00 per month per customer
subscibed to the IP telephony service
Branded ISPs make up to $6.00 per customer
You earn up $1.50 monthly! Are you doing the math?
if you sell just 100 T-! connections you earn
$200.00 dollars a monthly or $400.00 if they also buy
the telephony services your also paid 100%
matching bonus on all your affiliate customer sales
example 1 cont
if you sponcer just 10
afiliates who who directly sell just 100 T-1
connections and IP telephony services each
You would have 1000 tier 2 customers
 and you could earn $4000.00 per month
Example 2
if you register just 1 branded WiFi ISP has
100,000 customers who obtain the T-1 and the
telephony services
The ISP earns $600,000
your sponser earns $50,000
and you earn $150,000 every
think about what would happen if you registered
10.. 20.. or 100 branded
ISPs !!!!

Aaron and Kathy
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
2/14/2007 1:33:50 PM

That looks like a very good program to be part of, if one lives in the USA Kathy.


Roger Macdivitt .

7333 Posts
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2/14/2007 2:01:21 PM


Just to say how amazing this all is.

This year has brought to me some incredible opportunities in such numbers as to blow my mind.

It has created its own problems in that I have huge lists of invites on several communities, I have programmes that I have hardly touched since the day I started and others that are moving on nicely.

I am one of those who, more is the pity, have to do a day job, I will add that I enjoy that but the monetary rewards aren't as good as I am worth.

SO, I love this online business.

I have had technical problems (my software) which mean so far I can't test the 3D. BUT I WILL.

You see, I have been working with the Law of Attraction but not getting my priorities right. I know where I am going, but its so fast I'm not keeping up.

SO SORRY, if I lag behind.

SORRY if I don't reply or call you.

BUT, (I am allowed one BUT) I have taken two days off to read, reply and act and have almost caught up. So any of you guys out there that think it can't be done, WATCH THIS SPACE.

I intend to put 2007 into meltdown.

These two guys (K & A) are awesome and the AWE is catching. Do as they say only faster than me and I'll see you on the beaches of the world.


Kathy Hamilton

13886 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Top 25 Poster
Person Of The Week
2/14/2007 2:35:46 PM
Hello Roger,
You are so amazing, you just gotta luv ya.
You know you need to teach yourself about structure, disapline, you need to write down a plan for yourself, you need to hang it up in front of you. you need to stick to one thing each day, follow through, acomplish one thing, one task aday, you need to develop a plan, a plan of action.

You will be fine,
Aaron and Kathy
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
2/16/2007 9:55:52 AM

Kathy; I tried to sign-up but this is what I got..

Warning: fopen(/home/itsyourn/public_html/letters//subscription_form.txt) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/itsyourn/public_html/verify.php on line 197
Failed to open file.
