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Trina Sonnenberg

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Escaping the Grasp of the Gurus
2/13/2007 10:15:21 AM
Escaping the Grasp of the Gurus
Trina L.C. Sonnenberg

Have you been using the Internet as a way to generate some positive cash flow? Have you seen your bank account grow, or is it wilting ever more daily? Are you wondering how others are making money while you're still spending it?

If you are like most people who are trying desperately to make their fortune online, I'll bet that you've been reading everything you can get your hands on, about the subject. You've probably spent money on all the latest software and ebooks, and are promoting affiliate programs related to all of that material.

That's why you're broke!

All of the Internet marketing gurus, pushing their products, are sucking you dry. They are making buckets of money, selling you stuff, claiming to be giving you the secrets to online riches. Their real secret is in selling you all of their products.

I've read the ebooks, and looked at the software, and while most of the information is credible, reading it is not going to make you a bunch of money. Even implementing most of it will not make you money. Promoting it is making them money, not you.

Sure, if you promote enough affiliate programs and products, you might make a little money, but never on the grand scale you are looking to achieve.

The real way to make money online is to find a business, a real, honest to goodness business, or create your own. Then promote to the people who are in need of what you have to offer.

I spent many years in the squirrel cage, trying to make an affiliate buck. And, I made a few, but nothing to write home about. I finally realized that I was getting nowhere. So, I did something about it.

I shook off most of the information provided me by every guru online, and set out on my own. I took a skill/passion of my own and turned it into a business of my own, and guess what... I started making real money, money I could pay my bills with.

If you want to make money, stop giving it all away to the gurus, and start investing it in yourself. Stop buying every new widget and ebook to come out. Spend time in forums and online business communities, learning from successful people, for free.

If you are part of a business opportunity, stop trying to market it to other people who have business opportunities to promote, and look for people online who are still looking for one.

You do need to spend money to make money, but you need to spend it wisely, not throw it away on a bunch of affiliate programs, private label rights, and products that everyone else is trying to promote. Be original. Market yourself, that's what the gurus are doing.

Copyright © 2007
The Trii-Zine Ezine

About the Author:
Trina L.C. Sonnenberg
Publisher - The Trii-Zine Ezine - Your Trusted Source for Internet Business and Marketing Information. Serving online professionals since 2001. ISSN# 1555-2276

Trina L.C. Sonnenberg Freelance Commercial Writer TLC Promotions & The Trii-Zine Ezine ISSN 1555-2276
Re: Escaping the Grasp of the Gurus
2/13/2007 8:05:26 PM


I read your article and I have one compliment for you.

You are as smooth as silk.

James Kinney The Cardioman Cardio Cocktail Joint Check My Home Page
Re: Escaping the Grasp of the Gurus
2/15/2007 9:21:38 AM
Hi Trina!

I agree competely! The Guru's bleed people dry!

I know this might seem like a bit of rant. This topic however is a sensitive one for me because many of my friends have been shafted by these so called "experts". I do actually have a point to this post  lol.

The problem I see with the stuff these so called Gurus peddle is that it almost always seems to have one critical flaw... the information is utterly useless unless your goal is to market to other marketers. IF you plan on reaching Ma and Pa Averageperson who live in potholetown idaho.... you likely won't do it with "guru garbage" as I call it.

As I see it, 90% of it is junk designed like hose, with a sole purpose of siphoning funds from people either eager or desparate to make money. It disgusts me completely at the gall some... not all, but some of these so called guru's have.

I can honestly say that over the past 6 years, not one piece of guru garbage I have acquired has proven to be worth it when used to try and promote what I have to offer.

My best advertising has actually come from avoiding the guru garbage, staying away from downline builders, traffic exchanges, manual or auto surf sites, PTC's PTR's and the like. My most effective advertising is the stuff I do that does NOT promote to  or fall in front of the eyes of other marketers.

My advice to people is to give their product and/or service an HONEST evaluation.

I have done this eval process with about thirty people. We've taken a good hard look at the product or service. We;ve looked at things such as who can and would realistically use it, and where they can realistically advertise it outside of the marketing community. The fact of the matter is this... on average 8 out of 10 realize they have a product or service that is pretty much useless to anyone but marketers. Why? because they got suckered by Guru garbage into believing they could make a mint promoting product or service X.

IF anyone is curious about this process, I would be happy to take you through it. It is a bit lengthy to post details about here as I have already ranted long enough and the eval differs based on the offering resulting in the need to ask different questions.

I'll shush up now.

All the best!

Roy H.

Gary Goodman

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Re: Escaping the Grasp of the Gurus
5/12/2007 6:33:47 PM
I just joined this adland thing and don't know how to use it. I would like to get in contact with the person who wrote about RoyH and escaping the grasp of gurus. Please contact me.
Please visit my website at Free one month submission to 300 search engines and 700,000 classified ads! 35% commision affiliate program and 10% for those under you.
Trina Sonnenberg

784 Posts
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Re: Escaping the Grasp of the Gurus
5/14/2007 7:33:52 AM
Hello 331874;

This is Trina Sonnenberg, and I wrote the article, "Escaping the Grasp of the Gurus." You can contact me privately, here:

Have an awesome day!

Trina L.C. Sonnenberg Freelance Commercial Writer TLC Promotions & The Trii-Zine Ezine ISSN 1555-2276

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