HI Bogdan,
Thanks so much for today's wonderful quote! I try to do the right thing too at the right time. We do not always have to do things up in a big way to make a difference; sometimes all it takes is some little thing that we do that makes a huge difference in life!
Thanks for sharing this great quote!
Bogdan and Friends:
When I was 7 years old altar boy, "I tried to do the right thing at the right time..." and got my ears pulled... LOL: paid so much attention, the minister could not handle. Ouch... but it's true.
Bogdan, Intelligence Inc GodSpeed Generations Sun Power Generation JoinTheSolution.com 866-782-5348
The problem with that quote is the little word "try". One either does or does not do the right thing in their eyes.
Another thought about that quote is this: What is right to one person may not be right to another.
In the end it is our choice to do what seems right to us and in the right time frame.
Thanks for a good quote.
Hi Bogdan,
What a wonderful quote.
And isn't that what we all strive to do? The right thing.
Thank you.
Your Good Friend