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Re: COFFEE LOVERS...Music Lovers...PPC enthusiasts...whoever you are...LOOK!!
2/11/2007 4:24:50 PM


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Flag of James Reyes

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Re: COFFEE LOVERS...Music Lovers...PPC enthusiasts...whoever you are...LOOK!!
2/11/2007 5:24:14 PM
I like some of your suggestions. my favorite is lottomagic and I may give that one a try. for those of you who are tired of investing hard earned dollars with little to show for it, here is one that offers a great future without up front investment. I just talked to my sponsor and she was excited because her sponsor signed up over 55 people in two days. Of course that's the result of hard work but you still need a marketable product, and this one is.
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Flag of Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: COFFEE LOVERS...Music Lovers...PPC enthusiasts...whoever you are...LOOK!!
2/11/2007 9:59:22 PM

Hi Joe,

Thanks for visiting!  I like the old fashioned radio graphic!  I don't download too much stuff because my computer runs slow but THANKS maybe my other forum visitors will do it!

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Flag of Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: COFFEE LOVERS...Music Lovers...PPC enthusiasts...whoever you are...LOOK!!
2/11/2007 10:03:05 PM

Hi James,

I hope you keep thinking seriously about Lotto Magic, don't wait until the end of the month because it may take a few days for your payment to process and you really want to be in before the beginning of March, they purchase huge batches of lottery tickets at the end of each month for next month.  If you join with credit card or by Paypal cash funds, your website will be up immediately!  Join as a Team Captain and it only takes 2 Team Captains on your first level to cover your membership fee.  That can be accompllished quickly!


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Flag of Neil Reinhardt

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Re: COFFEE LOVERS...Music Lovers...PPC enthusiasts...whoever you are...LOOK!!
2/12/2007 3:35:46 AM
Kathleen, These people just have NO CLUE how great Lotto Magic is! I have NEVER IN OVER 40 YEARS of mlm experience, had a compny PUT SEVEN people under ME who are going to GET ME MONEY EVERY MONTYH! Only TWO Team Captains to BREAK EVEN and they GIVE me SEVEN team members to put ME in PROFIT! Such a Deal! Neil P.S. As far as products, there IS NO better product than one EVERY person and EVERY PET and ALL Livestock NEED! There has NEVER been a BETTER mlm prduct than Noni Juice, there is NO better product NOW & there MAY NEVER be, a better product than Noni Jucie. Most people just do not know it yet.
This Grumpy Old Son Of A Beach says: For a simple, inexpensive, and great tasting, way to earn money, click here: ----------------------- -------------------- And for a progam which is better than most mlm's I know of
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