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Re: Prayer Request From One Of Our Own Adland Pro Friends (2/9/2007)
2/10/2007 7:43:42 AM

Thanks to the invite LaNell!

I'm sorry to hear of your shoulder not doing good after the operation, Rick. I will keep yous in my prayers, please say HELLO to your wife. God Bless you both!

Warm Regards
Deborah Skovron

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Re: Prayer Request From One Of Our Own Adland Pro Friends (2/9/2007)
2/13/2007 1:35:06 PM

Hi Rick,

    You and your family will be in my prayers.

Your Good Friend


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Re: Prayer Request From One Of Our Own Adland Pro Friends (2/9/2007)
2/16/2007 2:10:27 AM
By his stripes we are healed! Hold on to scripture, and believe yourself to be whole! Jesus did it for us on the cross 2000 years ago. I am a mother of three beutiful boys and a simple wife. I had cancer stage III and thought that was it my life is over, but my faith kept telling me that I was not done here yet, and let me tell you, Jesus heals today just as he did then. I was healed by him as I know he has healed you. "It is not by strength nor by might but by my spirit sayeth the lord!" I have faith that Jesus has healed you, and I stand on that. It is simple really, just have faith. "Your faith has healed you," -Jesus spoke to the samaritan woman and she was healed. I know Jesus has so much more for us than meets the eye. All sickness is from the enemy, and a bothersome burden the enemy holds us down with. Just pray and call out to Jesus and he will heal you, as I know he has done for me. I have been cancer free for three years now. Jesus healed me, and he is faithfull and true and will do the same for you. When Jesus heals you, there will be no dout that he and only he has made you whole.