
Victor Rocha

142 Posts
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2/8/2007 10:01:35 PM

5 Great Income Sources

What is SteadyDailyIncome.Com and How will I make money daily?

SteadydailyIncome.Com is a program that enables its members to make money daily from 5 great Income sources.

We categories of membership:

Basic Membership and Full Membership.

Once you become a member, whether Basic or Full Member, you are going to be making money DAILY
When you become a member you will make money daily from all the following income sources.

Income sources:
Description of income source:
Membership deposits:
Before a basic member becomes a full member, he/she is required to make a one-time deposit of $4 into an account termed "Members Daily Account". The money in the "Members Daily Account" is shared daily by all our full members. There will always be money for you in your account.
Referral commission When you have created an account, you will receive a referral url. Whenever you refer members to SteadyDailyIncome.Com through your url, members you referred are required to pay you $2 each to become a full member. Members referred by those you referred are required to pay you $1 each. The ones those referred will also pay you $1 each. This is 5 level deep..
When you refer 1 member, you receive $2. Let us assume you are able to refer 8 new members and each of those you referred also refers, and so forth. See the table below for how much money you will make.

Your level
Money to you
8 x 8
8 x 8 x 8
8 x 8 x 8 x 8
8 x 8 x 8 x 8 x 8
Total Earnings to you:
Advertisement Revenues The fast growth of SteadyDailyIncome.Com attracts lots of advertisers. Advertisers are charged for adverts they place with SteadyDailyIncome.Com. 50% of advertisement revenue is placed into "Members Daily Account" daily, and everyday you will share in the "Members Daily Account".
RootSponsor Any new member who registers with SteadyDailyIncome.Com without being referred by a member is automatically assigned to the RootSponsor. Because of our massive publicity lots of new members are assigned to the RootSponsor everyday. The daily revenue generated from this alone is massive, and 50% of it is shared among all members.
Renewal Revenue Full membership lasts for 120 Days. Members are then required to renew their accounts. The account renewal fee is $15. $4 to the "Members Daily Account", $2 to the member who referred you, $1 to the member who referred who referred you. $1 to the member who referred who referred who referred you and so forth. And finally, $5 to the admin for advertisement of the program and for the cost of running the program.
Members renew their accounts without hesitation. You too will renew your account without been reminded, you will see. This is not something you will play with when you see how much you receive daily from SteadyDailyIncome.Com
From what you can see above, ask yourself:, are you sure you will make money daily, and how much? The answer to the question is, YES. It is all clear and obvious; YOU WILL MAKE MONEY DAILY!
How much daily? No maximum/maximum.

Income Sources and BENEFITS
Referral commission only
1) All 5 income sources above. You will not hesitate to become a full member, we guarantee you that.
2) Access to $2,500+ worth of Digital Products. (All with Resell Rights)

3) Your own Website just like this one instantly and automatically.
We do website maintenance for you.
To become a full member and begin to make money from the 5 income sources above and more, you pay a one-time payment of $15. This is how the $15 is spent: $4 to the "Members Daily Account", $2 to the member who referred you, $1 to the member who referred who referred you. $1 to the member who referred who referred who referred you and so forth. And finally, $5 to the admin for advertisement of the program and for the cost of running the program. So, full membership is just $15. When you register a free account, you will not hesitate to become a full member when you will see the earnings.

Without a doubt, you are now about to become a member of one of the best money making programs on the net today. It simply beats any program you can imagine. Think of the program and compare. No program out there can be compared to SteadyDailyIncome.Com.

With SteadyDailyIncome.Com you can never be scammed.

Unlimited Autoresponders!
Unlimited AdTracking!
Free 30 Day Trial!

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