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Linda Harvey

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Re: Delicious Recipes !
3/12/2007 2:33:18 PM
TOMATOES with FETA CHEESE and BUFFALO shredded jerky ~ ! 2 Medium Tomatoes Dash of sea salt, ground pepper 1/4 cup of crumbled feta or shredded mozzarella cheese 2 tablespoons chopped pitted ripe olives 1 medium green onion chopped Sprinkle with Hickory Smoked Shredded Buffalo Jerky Cut tomatoes in half and arrange on oven proof dish, mix remaining ingredients, sprinkle over tomatoes... cover and put under preheated broiler for 2 minutes, watch carefully to take out when toasteee brown and melted cheese ! or eat as cold salad ! mmm a healthy meal ! Shredded buffalo is great to put in omelets, potatoes, soups, beans, casseroles.... anything thing you would use bacon in for flavoring! Deeeeeeeeelicioussssssss ! ! ! Enroll for wholesale prices and free shipping ! Linda TeamLeader/Guardian
Linda Harvey

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Re: Delicious Recipes !
3/12/2007 7:34:59 PM
Sweets for my sweet, BUFFALO for my HONEY ! Enroll for Jerky of the Month, free shipping and personalized website ! This one we get to eat and make $$$ TOMATOES with FETA CHEESE and BUFFALO shredded jerky ~ ! 2 Medium Tomatoes Dash of sea salt, ground pepper 1/4 cup of crumbled feta or shredded mozzarella cheese 2 tablespoons chopped pitted ripe olives 1 medium green onion chopped Sprinkle with Hickory Smoked Shredded Buffalo Jerky Cut tomatoes in half and arrange on oven proof dish, mix remaining ingredients, sprinkle over tomatoes... cover and put under preheated broiler for 2 minutes, watch carefully to take out when toasteee brown and melted cheese ! or eat as cold salad ! mmm a healthy meal ! Shredded buffalo is great to put in omelets, potatoes, soups, beans, casseroles.... anything thing you would use bacon in for flavoring! Deeeeeeeeelicioussssssss ! ! ! Enroll for wholesale prices and free shipping ! Linda TeamLeader/Guardian
Linda Harvey

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Re: Delicious Recipes !
3/14/2007 11:37:22 PM
Thanks Shirley for the healthy interesting information! SUPERFOODS EATING PLAN - MAKE THESE SMART YET SATISFYING SWAPS TO SLASH YOUR RISK OF HEART DISEASE. BY: CYNTHIA SASS, M.P.H., R.D. Your diet is one of the best weapons you have in the fight against Heart Disease. Eating less of some things, such as Dietary Cholesterol, Saturated Fat and Trans Fat, can decrease your risk, while incorporating more good-for-you Fiber, Mono-unsaturated Fats, Plant Compounds and Antioxidants can boost your defenses. Every meal of the day provides another opportunity to make your Heart healthier. Kick off the morning with a dose of Whole Grains, found in Oatmeal, some Cold Cereals and Wheat Toast, and you'll be well on your way to meeting the three servings a day required to reduce your risk of Heart Attack by 25%. Throughout the day, look to add foods with healthy Monounsaturated Fats, such as Olive Oil, Nuts and Avocados, to your diet. These beneficial Fats lower LDL, the "bad" Cholesterol(which can build up into artery-clogging plaque), and pump up the HDL, the "good" kind(which picks up Cholesterol from the arteries and directs it out of the body). Amazingly, when paired with Veggies, Healthy Fats help the body to absorb Nutrients, like Heart-Disease and Cancer-Fighting Carotenoids, including Lycopene(readily found in Tomatoes). Women in a Harvard study with the highest Blood Lycopene Concentrations were half as likely to develop Heart Disease as Women with the lowest levels. When it comes to Fruits and Vegetables, the Mantra remains the same-strive to eat more every day. The Harvard-based Nurses' Health and Health Professionals Follow-Up Studies found that those who ate eight or more servings a day is very beneficial-each extra dose reduces Heart Disease risk by 4%. Fruits and Veggies are loaded with Dietary Fiber, which has been shown to diminish the risk of Blood Clots, a major cause of Heart Attacks. They're also rich in Potassium, known to help control blood pressure(perhaps by increasing the amount of sodium excreted by the body), as well as in folate, which can help lower levels of Homocysteine(an Amino Acid that also promotes clots). More Heart Health Benefits come from Omega-3 Fatty Acids, found in Salmon, Tuna and Walnuts. The American Heart Association(AHA) recommends consuming at least two servings of Fatty Fish per week to reduce Chronic Inflammation(thought to damage arteries) and the risk of Death caused by Cardiac Arrhythmias. The pros and cons of soy are still widely debated by health experts. But when it comes to the Heart, a new study conducted at Tulane University in New Orleans found that Soy Protein helps lower total Cholesterol, LDL, and Triglycerides, while slightly raising HDL. The Disease fighter that's easiest for most to swallow is Dark Chocolate. The Flavonoids found in this treat boost Nitric Oxide, a Chemical that causes Blood Vessels to relax, improving blood flow. Dark Chocolate also contains Polyphenols, which stop LDL in its tracks and prevent the chain reaction that leads to Heart Disease. Plus, a recent study found that People who ate Dark Chocolate for three weeks improved their HDL by 11% to 14%. ADD THESE TO YOUR GROCERY LIST: * CRANBERRY JUICE. Drinking three glasses of Cranberry Juice a day may increase your good(HDL)Cholesterol by about 10%, according to a study conducted at the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania. In addition to raising HDL, the Juice can boost the amount of Antioxidants available to the body by as much as 121%. (Increased Antioxidant levels are thought to decrease the risk of Heart Disease.) The spike may be due to the high levels of the Antioxidant Polyphenols found in Cranberries. When buying Cranberry Juice, look for a variety with at least 27% Real Juice. * SHELLFISH. While Salmon and Tuna are often applauded for the fact that they are rich in Cholesterol-lowering Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Shellfish(Mussels, Clams, Shrimp, Scallops, Lobster, Crab and Oysters) are also packed with Heart-healthy Fats. New findings reveal that Shellfish contain beneficial Non-Cholesterol Sterols. Just remember to broil, grill or steam your Fish and to skip the butter and other High-Fat Sauces. * CHOCOLATE. The Heart-health benefits from the Flavonoids in Dark Chocolate have been touted for some time, but new research proves that small doses(just a few squares or a cup of hot cocoa) consumed every day really is good for you. It's important to avoid having too much, especially of Chocolate Candy containing large amounts of Sugar, Butter and Cream, stresses lead Author Diane Becker, M.P.H., a Professor at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and Bloomberg School of Public Health, both in Baltimore. Two tablespoons of Chocolate a day, containing at least 70% Cocoa, is adequate for the Cardiovascular boost. * GRAPEFRUIT. Eating a Red Grapefruit every day can reduce your risk of Heart Disease, according to a recently published study. Researchers found that both White and Red Grapefruit significantly decrease dangerous Blood Lipid levels, but the Red kind was especially effective for lowering Triglycerides. The study authors believe that both the Fresh Fruit and Grapefruit Juice offer the same protection, most likely because of the Fruit's Antioxidants. ADDED BENEFIT. Cholesterol-lowering Plant Sterols that occur naturally in some foods are being added to products for extra Heart protection. First put into Minute Maid Premium Heart Wise Orange Juice, they can now be found in Breads, Cheeses and Granola Bars, and are expected in more foods soon. Visit for a list of Products with these sterols, which limit the absorption of Cholesterol. To Be Continued On The Forum:"SUPERFOODS EATING PLAN"
Linda Harvey

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Re: Delicious Recipes !
3/15/2007 12:39:30 PM
"SUPERFOODS EATING PLAN" BREAKFAST INSTEAD OF: 1 cup of Sugary Cereal with 1 cup of 2% Milk EAT THIS: 1 cup of Whole-Grain Cold Cereal with 1 cup of 1% or Skim Milk, or 1 cup Cooked Oatmeal made with either 1% or Skim Milk BENEFITS: Provides a daily dose of Whole Grains. Eat at least 6 servings of Cereals that have the word "whole" as the first ingredient, such a "Whole Oats" or "Whole Wheat" every week to slow artery buildup. INSTEAD OF: Skipping Breakfast EAT THIS: A meal Replacement Bar(Bars with about 250 Calories, 4 g Fiber, 14 g of Protein and 8 g of Fat have been found to suppress morning hunger) BENEFITS: Prevents overeating later in the day. Skipping Breakfast leads Healthy Women to eat more during the rest of the day, and increases their LDL(bad) Cholesterol levels and causes them to be less sensitive to Insulin-both risk factors for Heart Disease, according to a study published in the American journal of Clinical Nutrition. INSTEAD OF: 2 Strips Bacon, 2 Jumbo Eggs Scrambled EAT THIS: 2 Strips of Turkey Bacon and a 1/4 cup Egg-White Product BENEFITS: Eliminates 6 g of Saturated Fat(1/2 the amount you should take in per day). Plus, shaves off 540 mg of Cholesterol(nearly double the daily maximum). LUNCH INSTEAD OF: One 7-inch Mini Frozen Pizza EAT THIS: An 8-ounce Yogurt Topped with 1/4 cup of Unsalted Walnuts and a Medium Pear BENEFITS: Does away with unwanted Hydorgenated Oils, a source of Trans Fat, found in many Packaged Foods. Yogurt is rich in Protein, Nuts are high in Omega-3 Fatty Acids and the Pear provides 4 g of Fiber, 16% of the recommended daily intake(RDI). INSTEAD OF: 2 cups Salad Topped with 3 oz Grilled Chicken Salad and 2 Tbsp Fat-Free Dressing EAT THIS: Same Salad plus 2 Tbsp Sliced Avocado BENEFITS: Ensures your body is absorbing necessary Nutrients. Top your Salad with 2 Tbsp of Avocado and you'll be sure to absorb 8 times more of the Greens' Beneficial Carotenoids. INSTEAD OF: 1 Traditional Can(15 oz) of Vegetable Soup with a Handful of Oyster Crackers EAT THIS: 1 Can(15 oz) of Low-Sodium Vegetable Soup with a small Whole-Grain Dinner Roll. BENFITS: Keeps your body from retaining water. Taking in too much Sodium can increase blood pressure and make your Heart pump harder than necessary. DINNER INSTEAD OF: 2 Hard Shell Tacos with Ground Beef, Shredded Cheddar and Taco Sauce EAT THIS: A Taco Salad of 1.5 cups Romaine; 1/2 cup each of Diced Red and Green Peppers, Salsa and Black Beans; 1/4 cup Reduced Fat Shredded Cheddar BENEFITS: You'll reach the RDI of 2.5 cups of Vegetables. Aim to have 3 cups of Fiber-Rich Beans(Black, Pinto, Lima, Garbanzo, Navy, White or Kidney) each week to prevent Cholesterol from being absorbed and to keep the Homocysteine in your blood from spiking to dangerous levels. INSTEAD OF: 2 Slices Large Pepperoni Pizza EAT THIS: 2 Slices Thin Crust Large Veggie Pizza with Extra Sauce BENEFITS: Saves 110 Calories per slice. Take in an extra 220 Calories daily (and don't burn it off) and you'll gain 22 pounds in a year. Instead, go with the Lighter Pizza, pass up a 16-oz bottle of Soda or have Sorbet instead of Ice Cream. Plus, the Lycopene in Tomatoes is easier for the body to absorb when they are cooked(like in Red Sauce). INSTEAD OF: Fried Fish and Chips EAT THIS: 3 oz Grilled Salmon and a Medium Sweet Potato(size of a computer mouse) BENEFITS: Helps you reach your RDI of Omega-3s. The AHA recommends that most People eat Fatty Fish twice a week. Those with Coronary Heart Disease should have a serving a day. Sweet potatoes are rich in Potassium. SNACK INSTEAD OF: 1 can(12 oz) Soda EAT THIS: 1/4 cup(size of a golf ball) Unsweetened Dried Fruit BENEFITS: Provides the same Nutrients as a serving of Fresh Fruit, with a similar number of Calories. Plus, it's portable. Dried Fruits are also loaded with Heart Protective Dietary Fiber. INSTEAD OF: A Small Bag(vending-machine size) of Chips EAT THIS: A Large Bag of Light Microwave Popcorn BENEFITS: Makes it okay to eat the Whole Bowl. Six cups of 95% Fat-Free Microwave Popcorn is only 90 Calories and counts as 2 servings of Whole Grains. INSTEAD OF: 2 Milk-Chocolate-Chip Cookies EAT THIS: 3 Small Squares of Dark Chocolate BENEFITS: Lets you indulge without the guilt. Relaxes your blood vessels, boosts, HDL and decreases unwanted LDL. Look for brands with at least 70% Cocoa-they are high in the Beneficial Flavonoids. Borrowed from Shirley C's forum :
Linda Harvey

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Re: Delicious Recipes !
3/16/2007 10:28:32 PM
A warm welcome to our very own Luella May We are going to enjoy spending time in Luella's Kitchen ! Linda TramLeader/Guardian