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*** PAT Yourself on the BACK if you Believe in the LONGEVITY of FAIRNESS and SQUARENESS ***
2/7/2007 6:53:03 PM

Here's a special request from that big smiler Brian Clawson:  The Sick Puppies with their hugely popular video that has swept the internet by storm:

(This is the first time I've seen and heard it, this is great!) Bio info about the Sick Puppies:

Here's their website:

P.S. If any of you haven't voted in this week's POTW election yet, here's the link:

P.P.S. Did I ever tell all of you that it was my idea last year to have links to each nominee's profile on the POTW election forum?  Yes it was!  That's part of the reason why I'm so adamant about keeping the elections fair and square! (Patting myself on the back now!)

Let me know if the fairness of the elections is also of utmost importance to you!  THANKS!!

I'm adding my newest article here just to keep this post near the top of my forum for awhile... NEW THIS MORNING:

Successful multi-level groups know the difference btwn a DOUBLE U and a W.

Even if you only earn commissions on 2 levels, or 3 or 4...that doesn't mean you should get complacent about helping people as far down in your group as you possibly can.

When I mention "DOUBLE U" I'm talking about UNHAPPINESS UPWARD:
If someone far down in your group is unhappy and they quit, that makes their upline sponsor unhappy and what if they really needed that one person to make their monthly income a plus instead of a break-even or a minus?  That person may think about quitting, and the person above them will be unhappy, and on and on...UNHAPPINESS filters UPWARD and it can eventually filter up to YOU even if it started with someone on a level way under you that didn't even affect your income, or you DIDN'T THINK it would, but it can.

To prevent this DOUBLE U from occurring, an entire group needs to focus on helping their downline and even their downline's downline if there are some weak links who don't have experience in marketing or can't afford too much time or money on promoting. 

This is called the W focus...the W stands for WE.
We need to think as a solid dependable unit.

When a group works together as a solid W it can really prevent the group-busting DOUBLE U.

WE can do it together!

Anyone and everyone in my downline, no matter how far down, is welcome to use my help here:

If you're in any multi-level program and your upline levels don't offer you the big W to prevent the big Double U, then come and work with  ME! 

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Flag of John Rivera

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Re: *** PAT Yourself on the BACK if you Believe in the LONGEVITY of FAIRNESS and SQUARENESS ***
2/7/2007 7:09:24 PM

HI Kath

NICE video....I need some HUGS... Banned and 10K sigs later - WOW. Guess we'll go out and make some signs, OK..GOOD IDEA JR! I'll make them and go to the mall and see if security STOPS me. Great!  I get wierd like this sometimes and talk and answer myself.  THE Sick Puppies music was great.

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Flag of Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: *** PAT Yourself on the BACK if you Believe in the LONGEVITY of FAIRNESS and SQUARENESS ***
2/7/2007 9:24:16 PM
I talk to myself too.  I should hold my hand up to the side of my head and at least pretend I'm on the phone!   One time I was in my kitchen and didnt realize the window was open a few inches, the houses are close together here, and I was griping about my sister and other people and I found out later that my neighbor was outside and heard me.  She must have thought I was a big psycho.
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Flag of Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: *** PAT Yourself on the BACK if you Believe in the LONGEVITY of FAIRNESS and SQUARENESS ***
2/7/2007 9:26:30 PM
There was another time when I was in my backyard reading a magazine and I thought both neighbors were at work all day...I saw an ad for mens underwear with a really hot male model and I was talking out loud, saying "Wow, why can't I meet HIM somewhere?  Why don't ALL magazines have guys like THIS?" and probably more, I don't of the neighbors WAS within hearing distance and started laughing!
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Flag of James Reyes

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Re: *** PAT Yourself on the BACK if you Believe in the LONGEVITY of FAIRNESS and SQUARENESS ***
2/8/2007 11:23:57 AM
This is a great idea and I will be glad to participate but there is another way to help all animals and people and that is to stem the course of global warming. The natural cycle is upset every time ocean temperatures drop one or two degrees. We can all do our share by reducing our dependence on OPEC. That is now possible by switching to solar power. Clean, non polluting power and you pay no more than you do now to your electricity provider. Installing solar panels individually costs many thousands but our company provides the equipmqnt and installation for free. Please check this out and start doing your share. Save the Trees...Save the World! JR
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