
Robert Coaster

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Re: {{{{{ TAKE my FRIENDS.....PLEASE!! Here are 34 Friends you may not know yet!.....}}}}}
2/7/2007 4:58:31 PM

Hi Kathleen,

Wow, all i can say is thanks!

That's nice of you to promote your new friends :)

Take care,


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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: {{{{{ TAKE my FRIENDS.....PLEASE!! Here are 34 Friends you may not know yet!.....}}}}}
2/7/2007 5:04:52 PM

You're welcome, Steven!
I think people who visit regularly deserve to be appreciated!  Have you been to WHAMMY today?  Your requests are there, Phil Collins "Land of Confusion" and the Rolling Stones "Emotional Rescue".

Plus the "Free Hugs" video requested by Brian Clawson.

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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: {{{{{ TAKE my FRIENDS.....PLEASE!! Here are 34 Friends...What happened to saying THANKS?! }}}}}
2/7/2007 9:44:41 PM
I noticed there are around 100 visitors to this so far and only a few posts, YOU ARE ALL WELCOME those of you who came and grabbed handsfuls of friends and ran out the door!
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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: {{{{{ TAKE my FRIENDS.....PLEASE!! Here are 34 Friends you may not know yet!.....}}}}}
2/8/2007 11:45:39 AM

Successful MLM groups know the difference between a DOUBLE U and a W.

Even if you only earn commissions on 2 levels, or 3 or 4...that doesn't mean you should get complacent about helping people as far down in your group as you possibly can.

When I mention "DOUBLE U" I'm talking about UNHAPPINESS UPWARD:
If someone far down in your group is unhappy and they quit, that makes their upline sponsor unhappy and what if they really needed that one person to make their monthly income a plus instead of a break-even or a minus?  That person may think about quitting, and the person above them will be unhappy, and on and on...UNHAPPINESS filters UPWARD and it can eventually filter up to YOU even if it started with someone on a level way under you that didn't even affect your income, or you DIDN'T THINK it would, but it can.

To prevent this DOUBLE U from occurring, an entire group needs to focus on helping their downline and even their downline's downline if there are some weak links who don't have experience in marketing or can't afford too much time or money on promoting. 

This is called the W focus...the W stands for WE.
We need to think as a solid dependable unit.

When a group works together as a solid W it can really prevent the group-busting DOUBLE U.

WE can do it together!

Anyone and everyone in my downline, no matter how far down, is welcome to use my help here:

If you're in any multi-level program and your upline levels don't offer you the big W to prevent the big Double U, then come and work with  ME! 

C2007 Kathleen VanBeekom

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Phillip Black

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Re: {{{{{ TAKE my FRIENDS.....PLEASE!! Here are 34 Friends you may not know yet!.....}}}}}
2/8/2007 10:22:58 PM

Hi Kathleen,

Thanks for featuring so many of your Friends, including me, here at your Forum  You never cease to amaze me.  You seem to always find a way to do something even more special than the last thing you did.

Needless to say, I love what you're doing with the WHAMMY Forum.  Thanks for all the Hard Work & Dedication.

Your Friend,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
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