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Dave Cottrell

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Re: Don't be a Sap!
2/8/2007 5:03:18 AM
Hi Tom, You've made some sound points about why so many people fail. One of the BIGGEST reasons people fail is that they don't pick one and stick to it, and the second biggest reason is they don't want to put in the effort it takes to make it work, and the third is, they don't want to talk to people (not necessarily in that order). I have a friend who's wife is a Mary Kay consultant. I'm sure many are scoffing in their minds as soon as they read this, but let me tell you the facts: His wife has been a Mary Kay consultant for 6 years in a small city in central BC. She earns from $4,000 to $6,000 per month now, consistently, and is soon to receive her pink Cadillac. She has a plan, sticks to it, WORKS HARD, and WILL be earning $20,000 per month within the next 5 years at her present rate of growth. Flooded markets??? That's an EXCUSE that people use to explain their failure. There are STILL people getting rich in the oldest Soap and Nutrient businesses that exist. And the nutrition market is BOOMING, as you know, even though there are more nutrition companies going and starting up than anyone can count. Thanks for your input, Tom, and for the good points. Keep on telling it as you see it. Experience counts. God bless, Dave
Tom Sparrow

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Re: Don't be a Sap!
2/8/2007 7:12:31 AM
Dave-You hit the nail right square on the head! We can only hope that other people will read this and that it sinks in! People tend to complain about their failures and blame everyone but themselves! On of the major problems is program jumping and trying to be the first person to promote a NEW DEAL! If only they truly knew the stats on NEW companies, NO ONE would even consider them...98% fail in their first 2 years of operation! Not only that, but most of these NEW DEALS are nothing more than money games as well! Guess who truly gets rich with them? THE OWNERS WIN and everyone else loses!!! Tom
Tom Sparrow-CEO Health Innovations & Marketing, Inc. (FULL PROFILE) Skype: tom.sparrow53 248-624-0942 or 248-705-9716
Neil Reinhardt

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Re: What if I don't buy anything?
2/8/2007 2:57:32 PM
Hi Dave, Really glad you liked that line. It is one which occurred to me several years ago after a run in with a particularly clueless person. As far as the reasons you gave for failure in mlm, I could not agree more. As far as SOME of the reasons some- one else gave. I could not disagree more. (They are correct on others given.) Since I: A. Have been in & out of mlm for over 40 years, B. Know some of the highest money earners and most successful people in mlm, C., Am friends with Len Clements, who is considered (by those with sufficient knowledge) to be the world's # 1 leading "guru" on mlm, D. Have researched and studied the industry. E. Have had downline's in excess of one thousand I most probably have a clue of what I speak. ----------------------------- The reasons given for failure in mlm with which I disagree are: "They pick the wrong company with a product that does not save a person money!" The facts are they may have not joined the mlm they are in to "save money" I have joined more than one mlm JUST so I could get products no one else had OR because they had the BEST product out there. None of the four of those directly above me in noni, joined to "save money" All of them are earning more than they did in their former full-time employment. (And they all had very good jobs.) So this is really NOT a valid reason why people fail at mlm. ----------------- "They pick the wrong upline to work with and don't get the proper support!" There are more than a few people in who have succeeded in mlm with NO "upline" support what-so-ever. Which proves it is really not needed for success in mlm. Nice? Yes, Needed? No. -------------------- "They are not sale's people and are afraid to talk to people." Well, one half of this reason is true and that is the fear of talking to others. Facts are, more than a few "sales people" fail at mlm. ---------------- "Not enough support tools to help them launch their business. As I have seen people succeed in mlm companies which had very few "support tools" I know this is not true. While nice to have, their not really needed to succeed in mlm. ----------------- "To many competitors in the same arena which makes the product a hard sell!" Ever been some where that there is store after store after store all selling the SAME thing? (like cars, food, clothes) They exist because the above reason is not valid for non-success in mlm.) ----------------------------- Next. while it costs money to get into and stay in some MLM's. SO WHAT? BFD! Nearly ALL businesses & professions require from a little, to a LOT, of money to get into and to stay in business. These costs is NOT what is important, what a person earns over and above that amount is the deciding factor. ---------------------------- Back in the days when I was MUCH more "in to" mlm than I am now, I changed the terms which are used for "up-line" & "Down-line" to ones I consider to be both more accurate and more positive. To me, "up" & "down" indicate those better and not as good, above and below, not equals, king & subjects, etc., etc. So I submit, "SUPPORT-LINE" far better describes an "up-lines" function far better than the word "up-line" does.. And the term "Wealth-Line" makes a lot more sense to me than "down-line" does. After all. it is what their efforts will help provide you. SO, if you are in MLM, support your "WEALTH-LINE" (OR in "Lotto Magic" which really is simpler, easier and less time consuming than mlm's are.) ---------------------------- I hate being wrong, when I am, I have no problem admitting it. I was wrong about considering MLM and Network Marketing to be the same thing as that is not always true. Many people use Networking to market all kinds of things which have nothing to do with mlm. And while technically, any program which pays on more than one level could be considered an MLM, those which only pay on two levels are generally not included in the mlm category. So while network marketing in certainly important in programs like "Lotto Magic" it is really not really an mlm. Well, I've rambled on for long enough and so will close. May We All, "Live Long & Prosper! Please, Take Care! Neil This Grumpy Old Son Of A Beach says, for a effective way to earn money, which is easier, simpler and much less time consuming than mlm, click here: --- --- "Nearly Every Person Does Network Marketing Every Single Day, They Just Do Not get Paid For It."
This Grumpy Old Son Of A Beach says: For a simple, inexpensive, and great tasting, way to earn money, click here: ----------------------- -------------------- And for a progam which is better than most mlm's I know of
Tom Sparrow

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Re: What if I don't buy anything?
2/9/2007 12:09:25 AM
Neil-I will simply say this...I am glad you think you have all the answers, so congrats to you! My real question is...are you truly a success? With all your negativity, I highly doubt it! I really don't have time to address this anymore! Since your original attack on me back in the health forum with your Noni miracle product and stating that it was 10 times better than Vibe, LOL, I have given up on responding to any of your comments...bye bye!
Tom Sparrow-CEO Health Innovations & Marketing, Inc. (FULL PROFILE) Skype: tom.sparrow53 248-624-0942 or 248-705-9716
Neil Reinhardt

1314 Posts
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Re: What if I don't buy anything?
2/9/2007 12:32:28 PM
Then why, Oh Totally Illogial One have you responded now? Let me put this in real simple terms so even you may be able to get it. KMA! Neil
This Grumpy Old Son Of A Beach says: For a simple, inexpensive, and great tasting, way to earn money, click here: ----------------------- -------------------- And for a progam which is better than most mlm's I know of

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