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Re: Our Friend Roz 'Sweetgrame' Passed Away February 4th, 2007
2/7/2007 1:08:53 PM

Hi, Kenneth!

Thank you for the invite! Roz was and always will be a very special Person and Friend of mine. I will keep her in my Heart, my Thoughts and my Prayers! She will be missed by everyone at Adland!

Your Friend In Christ,

Shirley Ruth Caron

Re: Our Friend Roz 'Sweetgrame' Passed Away February 4th, 2007
2/8/2007 1:26:02 PM
Thank you Kenneth for this sad update. Yes,indeed Roz was a very special person and friend that spread much love and kindness. May I take this opportunity to send my thoughts and prayers to her friends and family. A warm thank you, Coralie
Take Care and Enjoy Your Day! Coralie