
Linda Miller

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REAL Passive Income Secrets from 22 experts by Joe Vitale and Pat O'Bryan
2/4/2007 12:55:53 AM

Hello friends,

If you're like me... you are always looking for more ways to create more passive income, right?

I just discovered this book by Joe Vitale and Pat O'Bryan.  I have downloaded my copy (along with all the bonuses) and I think you will be interested in it also.

Now you can get Real Passive Income Secrets from 22 experts who share what they actually do to create massive passive income.

It offers the real passive income secrets of 22 marketing experts.  You will recognize many of these names I'm sure.

Joe Vitale says these experts routinely pocket more money in one day than most people scrape by in a month. Here’s a quick list of who they are:
Joe Vitale
Pat O’Bryan
Terri Levine
Bob Doyle
John Assaraf
Craig Perrine
Larry Dotson
Bob Scheinfeld
Thomas L. Pauley
Molly Gordon
Mary Ann Remnet
Paul Lemberg
Sean D’Souza
David Garfinkel
Yanik Silver
Eva Gregory
Fran Harris
Bill Hibbler
Jo Han Mok
Barry Goss
Tom Antion
Randy Charach
Art Remnet

So, here's to learning more from those who are actually DOing it!

You can get your copy here:

May you use this information to your benefit to create your own massive passive income!

Many blessings.

In gratitude,


Help us spread the message to the world... Linda Miller 828-652-4714 Nebo, North Carolina
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