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Flag of Kathleen Vanbeekom

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IMPORTANT, Visit There and then come back and DANCE!!
2/1/2007 4:21:37 PM

If you haven't been to Bogdan's new forum yet about the possibility of forming a Conflict Resolution Committee, here's the link:

I deleted my announcement about the poll to vote on whether or not there should be a committee to settle forum disputes.  It wasn't MY poll, the person who was doing the poll decided to remove it from his forum because administration already decided to have the committee, it wasn't really depending upon the outcome of the vote.  This committee is NOT to tell people what to do or to overlook forums and point out problems, it's only if there already IS a problem, a mediator can be asked to help settle it.  Visit the link above for Bogdan's forum if you want to read about this and see people's feedback on it, or add your own post to it, but keep it nice or Bogdan will delete it.  You can volunteer to be on the committee if you have free time and are available if called upon to mediate.

Now for some FUN!  If you haven't visited the WHAMMY forum today, there are lots of very talented singers here in celebration of the first day of Black History Month.  These videos will bring back memories and create new ones!  Gather your family around the computer and enjoy the show!


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Flag of Steven Suchar

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Re: IMPORTANT, Visit Here, VOTE THERE, and then DANCE!!
2/1/2007 4:41:30 PM

Hi Kathleen...

Thanks for the assignment!!

Gotta go........

Your friend Steven.


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Flag of Phillip Black

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Re: IMPORTANT, Visit Here, VOTE THERE, and then DANCE!!
2/1/2007 7:22:50 PM

Hi Kathleen,

Thanks for the Great Links.  Nobody Beats Prince!!

Have A Wonderful Evening,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
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Flag of Leon Horton

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Re: IMPORTANT, Visit Here, VOTE THERE, and then DANCE!!
2/1/2007 7:31:16 PM
Hi Kathleen,

Thanks for the links.  The one to the poll does not work.  It says that it does not exist or it is private.

I'll try again later.


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Re: IMPORTANT, Visit Here, VOTE THERE, and then DANCE!!
2/1/2007 7:41:50 PM

Thanks for your effort. People like you make this a better world.

Thanks, John

John R. Stipe, P. O. Box 506, Forrest City, AR 72336
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