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Work from Home and Earn Extra Cash!
1/31/2007 2:52:06 PM

Wow, you can work from home and earn extra cash.  If you would like more information email me at or vist my website at


Re: Work from Home and Earn Extra Cash!
1/31/2007 6:51:04 PM
It's hard to believe, but in only "one month" my Ads have already been shown over 100,000 time! Wouldn't you like that to have that kind of massive exposure for 24 websites 3 Text Ads running 24/7! Have you get a minute? That's all it takes to... * Get your ads in front of a warm targeted audience! * Start building your "own" opt-in list10 levels deep! * Start earning commissions of up to $78.80 a shot * Enter the daily contest to win a monthly AD submission You set up your ad and then forget about...Or, go back and login to watch your stats grow...and to enter the daily contest. It's fun and "you" may be their next daily winner! Why haven't you posted your lifetime ad yet? It will only take you a minute, doesn't cost you a cent and if for targeted traffic from one of the fastest growing sites on the internet. In only a month this brand new system has already reached an Alexa Ranking of 42,481 (24,587 for today) so you KNOW your ads will be seen. Yes ! That's allot of traffic global 24/7 And these are a "targeted visitors... you select the categories for your ads, and they are shown to visitors who are "looking" for what you have to offer. You can watch your income rise to new highs Don't procrastinate just initiate a new Home Business Website of yours to advertise for FREE! Start Now will change your future. Mary Griffith passcode marybeth108

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