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Re: Sorry to post this here ... KEYLOGGER ALERT!!
6/28/2005 4:35:16 AM
Hi Ken ,They say things run in 3's I'm wondering what the 3rd will be 1st my husband crashes our motorbike and I have spent the weekend nurseing him and Monday my computer crashes with a number of trojons seeping in .Here's me thinking that the antivirus and ad-ware I had running would detect any mishaps and prevent this from happenning .Well I have had a very quick awake up call in this area it has cost me valuable time I now feel like I'm working off a new computer as not everything is working and the programmes I had downloaded and enjoyed using are not programmed in as yet and it's slow moving going through e-mails ,surfing .So please backup everything and upgrade your antiviruses regularly .I know have 4 detectors working .Heres 1 that detects keyloggers and everything else that floats around I was only on the net for 2hours today and this guy found them and gave who ever it was the boot. So take care of your babies {computers} you never know .Also never open an e-mail that has to be unzipped it's the quickest way to shut you down ,delete it and then do a full scan . This has probably been my longest posting since joining adland lol but seriously there are some really nasty guys out there and we all need to be aware . Take care of yourselves Linda-Joy
Len Berghoef

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Re: Sorry to post this here ... KEYLOGGER ALERT!!
6/28/2005 9:56:51 AM
Thank you ken for the information. Will check it out right away. Have a good day! Leonard Berghoef
Start a 2nd income and get out of debt!
Re: Sorry to post this here ... KEYLOGGER ALERT!!
6/28/2005 1:45:29 PM
I just got and email just now about this this keylogger, this guy took his keyboard apart and found a device that records keystrokes in your computer! Big brother is trying to spy on us also like we are terrorist.All this fake war on terrisim, just a bunch of crap.We have to many people in high places that need to be done away with...By the way his computer was a dell..I guess you have to take your keyboard aprt to see what's in it.thank's for the as weel as pray..jesus said.
Trina Sonnenberg

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Re: Sorry to post this here ... KEYLOGGER ALERT!!
6/28/2005 9:28:37 PM
Hi Ken! I have been doing some investigation into this keylogger thing. I have some information for everyone. Stop panicing! The keylogger that uses the file ans2000.ini is called ProBot SE. The file ans2000.ini itself is not the problem, as it is also a program used in programs such as ActivEbook Compiler. What you need to search for is ProBot SE. This file, ans2000.ini , if required by another program installed on your computer, is deleted, you will destroy the program that uses it. This is how hackers use hoaxes to trash your system. They get you to delete essential files on your computer that will result in the destruction of certain programs or systems. Visit this site for detection and removal of ProBot SE: I found the ans2000.ini file on my computer and opened it in a notepad. Sure enough, it was associated with my ebook compiler program. It was not a component of ProBot. So make sure that you don't have a program(s) on your computer that need that file before you delete it. Search for the ProBot, not this specific ini file. Have an awesome day! Trii ans2000.ini Category: Spyware Related Files ans2000.ini description: INI files are essential part of the majority of programs, because they store a lot of specific settings. Computer parasites also use INI files for these purposes and it is very probable that ans2000.ini is an essential part of keylogger Probot. Although this is not necessarily true and having ans2000.ini on your hard disk could be a harmless coincidence, we recommend you to pay attention towards this problem and make sure this file doesn't make any harm. Information added: 23/07/2004, edited: 23/07/2004
Trina L.C. Sonnenberg Freelance Commercial Writer TLC Promotions & The Trii-Zine Ezine ISSN 1555-2276
Nan Kietzke

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Re: Sorry to post this here ... KEYLOGGER ALERT!!
6/28/2005 10:39:06 PM
ANOTHER HEADS UP! I received an e-mail from WEBROOT tonight with Spy News. Here is only one article which I navigated to entitled "BIG BAD THREATS" Believe it or not, even Mozilla and RSS's and blogs will be targeted yet this year. Listen up and see if you can link to this page. Nan
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