My upline Edwin told me about these...his upline's name is N.E. Baker, he says "After only 5 months in Lotto Magic, my monthly income from this is more than my social security check. Last month I earned $1,576.35 from Lotto Magic." There's also M. Williams, who is earning nearly $5,000 monthly. Lotto Magic gives all members a site just like this: HERE'S SOMETHING I want to tell all of you, one of the best print publications to advertise in is Ben Frank's Almanac. The deadline is February 15th. You can get 4 inches of ad space plus 10 mailing copies of this fantastic newspaper-size publication to give to other people...and if they order advertising, you earn a whopping commission! The circulation rate is 15,000. This is a real response-grabbing paper that has been legendary since 1971. When I say "4 inches of ad space" that can either be four 1-inch display ads you already have OR just send in 120 words for a big ad OR 30 words each for 4 ads and the publisher will professionally design them for you and publish them in the next issue for only $24. You get 10 mailing copies, be sure to give them out to other people who are interested in marketing and advertising, you'll get hooked on the print-mail business before you know it! People keep their printed publications for a LONG time, be sure your program is GOOD and long-lasting, you may get orders far into the future from the ads you post now! Don't wait any longer, do it now, he's busy! Kelly Company PO Box 655 Pinellas Park, FL 33780