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Re: Welcome To The 79th Edition Of The Person Of The Week!!!
1/29/2007 7:15:46 PM


Thanks to the invite John!

"Congratulations Amanda", enjoy your week in the "SpotLight" !!!

Warm Regards

Joyce Parker Hyde

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Re: Welcome To The 79th Edition Of The Person Of The Week!!!
1/29/2007 9:33:22 PM
Thank you John.
Amanda, who could ever guess by your lovely smile and peaceful face that you have overcome so much?
Your story illustrates very well the wide, wide swing that has taken place in dealing with children. Now its too far the other direction.
Your unshakable faith is an example to hold on no matter what.
Congratulations and much love and happiness for the rest of your life-you have earned it!
Luella May

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Re: Welcome To The 79th Edition Of The Person Of The Week!!!
1/29/2007 10:11:38 PM

Bless your heart Amanda!  Your life story is amazing, and you deserve all the happiness in the world from here on in.

Your story does have a happy ending and I live for happy endings.

Congratulations my friend!  We wish you the best of all that life has to offer.

Love and Hugs!

Luella May and John Elliott, aka Oaky Wood

Nan Herring

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Re: Welcome To The 79th Edition Of The Person Of The Week!!!
1/30/2007 1:31:35 AM
Congratulations Amanda
Re: Welcome To The 79th Edition Of The Person Of The Week!!!
1/30/2007 7:16:52 AM

Hi Amanda!  :-)


You must be really busy with the moving and your POTW forum.

I hope this forum will be a blessing to you my friend, you sure deserve one.

Enjoy!  ;-)


John Sanchez


From the abundance in your mind come the manifestations in your life... JRS ©


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John 13:34 (Whole Chapter)
"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.

John 13:35 (Whole Chapter)
By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."


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